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Creators for the citizens' initiative in tribute to the dead in Gaza on 24 February

  • They want to fill the square of the people of Llodio with shoes, in honour of the Palestinians killed by Israel in recent months.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 4.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

16 February 2024 - 08:15

The citizen network created in Laudio to denounce the massacre against Palestine follows activa.La the constitution of this group was promoted by the City Hall and in December the first public action took place. They managed to bring together more than a hundred people in the human chain that crossed the urban area.

A new initiative is now being prepared for 24 February. They want to shoe the town square in honor of the dead in Gaza from 11:30 to 13:00.

For this purpose, they have requested the collaboration of local and regional creators, “for art to take its place also in this act”. Each artist thinks of making “a small collaboration,” “a song, a poem, a verse, painting live…”.

They have made available to citizens a WhatsApp number so that everyone who wants can contact: 692710520. “Send your name, your phone, artistic discipline and a small explanation of your contribution, the technical conditions you need (microphones, music equipment…) and the time you take,” the organizers explain.

Pensioners also

The Laudio population group has launched an extensive accession campaign. Posters in favour of Palestine have been distributed in the shops and bars of the people, and many of them have placed posters in the shop windows.

Yesterday, on the contrary, the pensioners joined in demanding the freedom of Palestine, proving the concentration of every Monday.

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