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Patri Urkizu makes the prolific creation available to the people

  • Books, poetry, translations, stories, biographies, articles, old photographs, theatre, linguistic studies, classical text editions... The lezoarra Patri Urkizu Sarasua has made available to all visitors eleven jewels created with great care during 40 or 50 years of running.  

12 April 2021 - 10:22
Urkizu, Zurutuza eta Intxaurrandieta Gezalako aurkezpen ekitaldiaren ondoren. (Ikerne Zarate)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Books, poetry, translations, stories, biography, articles, old photographs, theatre, linguistic studies, classical text editions… The lezoarra Patri Urkizu Sarasua has made available to all and all people a lot of jewelry, created with a great deal in 40 or 50 years of running. Free, free to circulate on the net, he has compiled on a website the works he has created for years to satisfy the curiosity of all those who want to knock at the door and immerse himself in it. You're already running that website, you've got access to it here. This afternoon Urkizu unveiled the details of his generous project accompanied by the librarian and historian Lander Zurutuza, and the professor and musicologist Patxi Intxaurrandieta. Intxaurrandieta is one of the great friends of Urkizu, which was noted in the event held in the Gezala auditorium.

Today it has not been a conference, a presentation of books, a simple act, said Zurutuza, “what has brought us here today is the presentation of the website of the writer Patri Urkizu. That is, we have come to make an inventory of this magnificent treasure that Patri has dedicated to Lezo, to the whole of Euskal Herria and to the Euskera itself”.

He added that it is surprising the size and value of what was collected on this website, “which is even more surprising and which has added value to the web, many of those works have seen light for the first time.”

Next, Zurutuza has offered some of the details of Urkizu’s biography in the program. Patri Urkizu was born in Lezo in 1946, graduated in Romanesque Philology from the University of Salamanca (Castilla y León, Spain) in 1970 and was the first democratic mayor of Lezo after the dictatorship of Franco between 1979 and 1983. PhD in Basque Philology (1986), President of the Association of Basque Writers (1989-1997), Professor of the University of Basque Language and Literature in Bordeaux, Donostia-San Sebastián and Madrid, until his recent retirement. In addition, Urkizu is a writer and researcher with extensive bibliography. As you can see in the catalogue of the website that has collected your creative work, you have needed 43 pages to collect all the works.

Presentation of Gezala held this afternoon.

In addition, Zurutuza said that Urkizu is a humble man, “an indefatigable worker, who loves the warmth of the family and the bar tertulia, the father of the journalist and poet Urtzi Urkizu, who has such a wood. He is also a real patriot who is always building cultural bridges between the south and the north of Euskal Herria, above all limits, as he knows as few the literary tradition of Lapurdi, Baxenabarre and Zuberoa, as he has spread as few the old bertsos, songs and theatres there”.

Zurutuza has wholeheartedly thanked Urkizu for the work he has done and has now left the immense legacy in the hands of the Lezoarras and all the Basques.

Intxaurrandieta has taken the floor below. He referred to the website and talked about what can be found in it. Intxaurrandieta recalled that four months ago he told Urkizu that he wanted to create a website to collect all that legacy created for years and make it available to anyone. Today the website and all the wealth it contains are available to all. It has sections of biography, catalog, audio-visual, photographic collections, Basque language, literature and not published. As for Urkizu, “it’s a great gift,” said Intxaurrandieta, “everything that meets here is impressive, it’s a great heritage. Today it is as if Patri had come with a large truck full of books, and he has put everything he has in exchange for kiss, at the disposal of all of you.”

In addition, he stressed that the website is "very dynamic", as it allows for "change" and "add things".

His son, Urtzi Urkizu, has been cited on more than one occasion by Patri Urkizu, as he is a traveler, as well as by his sister Marikrutz and his wife, Marga Rica Esnaola, “who has been patient in the last 40 years”. He has also thanked the attendees because “it is not a little fearful to go in such a complicated situation.”

Lezo’s has said that what has hung on the web is the result of the last 50 years, “enjoy and saboread these humble texts.”

What to listen, what to see, what to read and what to learn is in that great legacy that Patri Urkizu has opened to the four winds.

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