The dandelion tooth flourishes (Taraxacum officinale). Most flourished towards March, and a few flourish further. And here and there you will find your attractive yellow flower for almost all the year. Its open flower is a sign of good time. It had been extended from day to day and closed again in the middle of the night. To learn the timeline of time, it teaches phenology or behavior of plants. The saying goes like this: when the dandelion has opened the flowers the carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) and red beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. conditions) sowing.
It's also said to be called a barn. According to Lakoizketa, it comes from the words “gari” and “kide”; it means that it is contemporary to wheat, as both grow at the same time, in early spring.
It's also named for its spectacular yellow flower, that chickpea and poppy. The latter is listed in the 16th-century dictionary of Sarasketa. Pierre Lhand gave us three other names: goat's horn, witch's weed and male.
The fruit is an ampoule of umbrella shaped seeds, says Guillermo Larrañaga in his book Landare jakintza. We all know this fruit better than the flower and the leaf. We have helped several times the spread of this plant, blowing into this white ampoule and moving away the seeds that have umbrella. William describes it as follows: “If I did now, I would flutter the fruit plaster, and every fruit grain would throw it into that umbrella. Parachutists or they do.” In the evening, he says that these seeds collect the “umbrella”. Telesforo Aranzadi collected that this ampoule of round fruits is called txuntxumela.
He also received the name of Aitañi-lili in 1900 by Jean Baptiste Althabe and says: “Because din frütü bürü xuri”. Gerardo López de Guereñu has stated that in Álava he says “grandpa” to parenting, is it by the bluish head?
Javier Irigarai has received the name “pixakamas” in Navarra. This is the usual name in the surrounding languages: in French “pissenlit”, in Catalan “pixa-llits” and “pixacà”, in Spanish “meacamas”, in Italian “piscialletto”, in Galician and in Portuguese “mexacán”... It is a well-known medicinal herb to urinate, that is, herb urine. It is also used to cure many other evils, hence its scientific name, officinale.
Dandelion is also used for healthy eating and drinking. Leaves for punching the bitter salad. Unopened flowers and roots kept in salads or vinegar, even cooked. Rich in vitamins and minerals.
To drink, the fat root is swallowed and the roast coffee substitute is made. In the past, it was customary to mix the “hitch” into the coffee. And in Belgium they make a famous beer tanned with its flower, called “Pissenlit”. This beer will produce more meandering than the others, of course... Who can think of making a cider called “Sorgin-belar”...
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