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40 social actors, trade unions and political parties support ARGIA to Solway

  • NGO Mugarik Gabe has launched a statement entitled Journalism and non-criminal solidarity to condemn Solway’s attack on ARGIA. The majority of trade unions and leftist political parties, among others, have coincided many agents and institutions.
Argazkia: Dani Blanco CC BY SA.

11 July 2023 - 11:08
Last updated: 12:55

“We show our solidarity, support and affection for ARGIA. It is an independent media and committed to social justice that, despite the threat received, has firmly maintained the denunciation of the multinational company’s power and corruption networks.” This has been signed by nearly 40 social actors, trade unions and parties who have expressed their solidarity with ARGIA alongside NGO Mugarik Gabe.

Journalism and solidarity are not a crime among the signatories of the communiqué, there are the majority of trade unions – ESK, LAB, ELA, STEILAS, CCOO Euskadi – the leftist parties – EH Bildu, Podemos, IU Ezker Anitza, EPK-PCE – and many social actors: Coordinator of the NGOs of the Basque Country, World March of Women, Basque Network of Migrated and Racialized Women, Euskal Herriak Capitalari Planto, Komite internazionalistak, Mundubat, Bizilur, Lumaltik, to name a few. Pikara Magazine, Aiaraldea and 97 radios have also joined the statement.

"ARGIA is an independent and committed means of communication with social justice, which has firmly maintained the denunciation of the power and corruption networks of the multinational company"

At the end of June ARGIA reported by press conference that the Swiss multinational Solway Investment Group threatened it. They call on Paolina Albani to remove the interview with the Guatemalan Community Press journalist and to pay “compensation” for 15,000 euros. Albani explained in an interview with Mining Secrets about journalistic research, taking advantage that he was in Euskal Herria invited by Mugarik Gabe.

In fact, in a leak of 8 million documents, 65 international journalists conclude that the Solway mines in El Estor in Guatemala have hidden reports of contamination, among others. Albani also denounced the persecution and criminalisation of journalists and land-defending citizens. ARGIA reaffirmed that it would not erase conversations or pay money and called for independent journalism.

Strategy to intimidate ARGIA

The signatories of the document “Journalism and Solidarity are not a crime” reject the attack on ARGIA saying that it is contrary to the rights of freedom of expression and information: “This attack is part of a planned intimidation strategy. Today it has been against ARGIA, but tomorrow it may be against another media or a human rights organization.” They warn that Solway’s goal is to “extend uncertainty and fear of imposing self-censorship.” Faced with this attempt, the signatories applaud the strong response of ARGIA.

In the communiqué they have also sent messages of solidarity, protection and love to the Community Press, to the Maia q’eqchi’ people and to people defending individual and collective human rights worldwide: “Because they work so that we all have a decent life to live.” The signatories undertake to continue to promote their work and to “ensure and demand the defence of the right to social protest, information and freedom of expression”.

Signatories of the solidarity communicated:

NGO Coordinator of the Basque Country

Euskal Herriak Capitalari Planto

Transforming solidarity







CCOO – Euskadi



Euskadi-Cuba Association


Calcutta Ondoan

Economists without Borders

Proclade-Yanapay Foundation

From Gernika to the World



IsF-Engineering without Borders


Komite internazionalistak

From Lumalt

Medicus Mundi Bizkaia

Above limits


Baketik with OMAL

Euskadi Peace and Solidarity

Third Age Third World


World Women ' s March

Basque Network of Migrated and Racialized Women


Radio 97

Pico Magazine


Ezker Anitza - IU


EH Bildu

We can

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