The news reports tend to confuse migrants who arrive in Euskal Herria due to hunger, war or harassment, often with fights, drug trafficking or theft; rarely, they highlight positive news that show a supportive attitude like that which happened last week in Bilbao. A 72-year-old man rushed to the river and four people rushed to the river to save his life. Three of them were African migrants.
As we have subsequently learned, these migrants arrived here in the boats, endangering their lives – with the aim of reaching paradise since the beginning of the year 1,850 migrants have died or disappeared at sea. This happened precisely on the international day of the refugee, when hundreds of people met in Hego Euskal Herria at the event "Migrants don't spare, racists do." and "Safe legal routes now!" - Flush.
If it is not for reasons of solidarity, at least from a purely selfish perspective, we should be interested in a dignified reception of these thousands of migrants, not only in terms of coexistence, but they are the basis of our economic and social future.
Migrants have the same rights as everyone and are part of our economy, our society, welfare and the future of pensions. The institutions must be aware that we should assume them with respect for these rights, without creating ghettos, with measures to promote coexistence, either by making it easier for bureaucracy, or by granting income guarantee income while seeking work. In this sense, it is essential to oppose the mafias circulating around human trafficking, who take advantage of the fragility of migrants to enter “patera weights” and obtain money through them – which use them as cheap labour and which rob them of the low wages earned –.
If it is not for reasons of solidarity, at least from a purely selfish point of view, we should be interested in the dignified reception of these thousands of migrants, not only with a view to coexistence, but they are the basis of our economic and social future.
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