Women do not have equal representation in positions of power in terms of their demographic weight, especially in the private sphere. That is what Eustat has deduced in its final report. The Gender Equality Index (HDI) is measured from 1 to 100 (total equality). In the areas analyzed, the furthest from equality is that related to economic power: 45.1. Eustat has stressed that in the field of public/political power the law regulates equality and the result is clear: the index is 96.7.
Worse working conditions
Men have more permanent contracts and complete days than women. For example, by 2020 22.7% of women in employment were part-time, which was 7% among men. Furthermore, conciliation is another determining factor in making working conditions for women worse. Women spend more hours per day than men on housework or caring for children and dependants. Specifically, in 2021 almost three hours a day more than men, and the most important difference is childcare, 1.4 hours more.
Management positions and economic power
One of the main indicators related to power is income. Well, at the highest levels, the percentage of men is three times higher than that of women. The average annual personal income of women is lower than that of men (around EUR 9,500) and this difference has not been reduced in the last 15 years.
According to the report, the proportion of women in management positions in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa fell by more than 4 points between 2015 and 2021. In 2021, 32.26% of management positions (public and private) are women, even lower for senior managers and entrepreneurs: 25.58%.
Ander Magallon, Mikel Irure eta Xabier Jauregi Metropoli Forala saioan egon dira maskulinitate berrien inguruan mintzatzen.