Osman Şiban, 50, and Servet Turgut, 55, were arrested on 11 September in a military operation in the village of Çatak in the province of Van. Şiban is the father of eight children and Turgut was seven.
The news agency Mesopotamia has disseminated the testimony of Cengiz Şiban, brother of Osman Riibán, who witnessed the arrests. The soldiers arrested Servet Turgut while working on the ground, and his brother, Osman Şiban, was drinking tea with him at the time. They were both violently driven to the helicopter.
Their relatives did not find them at all for two days, until they finally learned that they were in the Van Special Surveillance Unit. Servet Turgut was about to die and the state of health of Osman Şiban has gradually improved.
The eyes of this second person are still full of blood and hematoma. He has denounced that they were tortured, but he has memory losses. On the Rojinfo website, the situation of these two baserritarras has been monitored in French and it has been confirmed that on 11 September, on the day of the arrests, the two arrested were dispersed and transferred to a private hospital in Şiban. The medical report includes the following: "They have brought an anonymous patient who has fallen from a considerable height. The patient has been informed." In addition, the report states that he had hematomas in his eyes and swelling of his head, neck and face due to traumatic brain injury. They were also informed that the victim had spared blood and eventually had to be taken to Van hospital, where she was treated in intensive care emergencies.
Turgut has been admitted to the hospital for 20 days and finally died on 30 September.
The Turkish Government has refused to have been tortured and thrown out of the helicopter and has said that, before the arrest of Şiban and Turgut, they were already in poor health. Osman's brother, Cengiz Şiban, whom we have already mentioned, has opposed these claims, saying that his brother and Turgut were in good health when they put the guns in the helicopter.
"The government can only maintain power through oppression. In that way, they would like to make us all kneel. But we will not surrender, we will never be subjected to cruelty. We will fight them politically and legally, as the rulers and the governments know. I will say this clearly: we are not asking the government for clemency or understanding. We will stand up to the whole of society to make sure that it will not touch a single hair on the citizens," said HDP Member Saruhan Oluçe.
"All kinds of police and military who brutally treat the Kurds are rewarded in Turkey. In this country the Kurds behave as if we were not entitled; as if the Kurds were not subjects. They also wanted us to ban the holding of this press conference. The presence of journalists is prohibited, it can only be recorded by one of our representatives. Why? Because the government has become a complete despot," he denounced.
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