The spokeswoman for the former Government of Navarra and the Minister of Education, María Solana, gave the news yesterday, the day of its cessation, through the social networks of the Internet.
Solana has recalled that the Executive Chair María Txibite is "committed" to the continuity of the coming legislature and "will not stop doing it".The Skolae co-education program is implemented in 116 educational centers in Navarra.
This afternoon @UNESCO has confirmed to us that it gives #Skolae the UNESCO International Award for Girls and Women Education 2019
— Maria Solana Arana (@solanarana) August 7, 2019
In the last year it has been a programme that has generated controversy in some ultracathic groups, right-wing parties and media from all over the world. Solana received letters of threats and was placed in custody of the Foral Police. Ten professionals who cultivated the skolae had to go to court in June of this year.
Skolae Hezkidetza programak polemika asko piztu du Nafarroako eskuinaren artean. Haurrak berdintasunean hezteko programa Nafarroako eskola guztietara zabaldu du Gobernuak Skolae programarekin, irakasleen hautua izateari utzi eta haur guztiek beharrezko heziketa hori jaso... [+]