The Supreme Court ' s ruling has not changed the foral Government ' s roadmap, which is pending. This school year 221 schools will teach the Skolae co-education programme, due to a defect in the form of the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra. The plan was developed normally during this course and will continue to be disseminated in the public and concerted centres of Navarre from September onwards.
The program is supported by the Foral Law for the Equality of Women and Men, approved in 2019, and the Foral Decree of Co-education. This Decree, which is in the process of claims, will enter into force on 22-2021. This has been assured by the Department of Education, following the decision of the Supreme Court to dismiss the appeal made by the Foral Government against the Skolae judgment. This course has been 221 Navarros centres that have offered the Skolae programme.
Steep road
The High Court of Justice of Navarre annulled the Skolae project last year for a formal error, considering it necessary for its regulatory procedure and not for an administrative act, as this programme was included in the curriculum as a cross-cutting issue.
The Education Department of Carlos Gimeno filed an appeal against this resolution, alleging that they were going to fix an error so as not to paralyse the project. This week, the judges of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court have rejected the appeal, considering that it is ineffective from a procedural point of view.
The Government of Navarre announced on the same day that the Government of Navarre will proceed with the publication of the Foral Decree establishing the legal basis for the Skolae project.
Skolae Hezkidetza programak polemika asko piztu du Nafarroako eskuinaren artean. Haurrak berdintasunean hezteko programa Nafarroako eskola guztietara zabaldu du Gobernuak Skolae programarekin, irakasleen hautua izateari utzi eta haur guztiek beharrezko heziketa hori jaso... [+]