The President of Navarra, Uxue Barkos, has stated that "the distortion" of the Skolae Berdin bidean co-education programme is not acceptable. He has thus responded to the views expressed in recent weeks by members of UPN and pp on the programme: "This programme has not been imposed on anyone, nor on the centres, let alone on parents," he added.
The Government of Navarra has launched the programme with the aim of achieving students able to express their commitment to equality. "The issue needs respect from all sides, all positions are tolerable, but what cannot be tolerated is misrepresentation," he added.
The Department of Education has also described manipulation as "serious" allegations that are being denounced against the co-education program "Skolae Berdin bidean". "What is being said against the programme promoted by the Government of Navarre is absolutely false and what is being affirmed, even by parliamentary representatives, is not linked either with the literality or with the spirit".
<< This news has been published by Euskalerria Irratia and we have brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
Skolae Hezkidetza programak polemika asko piztu du Nafarroako eskuinaren artean. Haurrak berdintasunean hezteko programa Nafarroako eskola guztietara zabaldu du Gobernuak Skolae programarekin, irakasleen hautua izateari utzi eta haur guztiek beharrezko heziketa hori jaso... [+]