The President of Navarra, María Txibite, has today shown in Madrid the commitment of the foral government to education and the SKOLAE programme in the institutional act of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. At the event, the acting minister, Isabel Celaá, has given Lehendakari Txibite the prize that the Ministry of Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Equality has awarded to SKOLAE in the category of “education and awareness against gender-based violence”.
In an event held this morning at the Azcona Hall of the Cineteca de Matadero in Madrid, the President of Navarra thanked the Ministry for its recognition of a "positive, built and born to stay" program, as well as the team of professionals who drafted the plan and those who disseminate it today. He also stressed that "SKOLAE is our common commitment to co-education, to an egalitarian society free from male violence and to a society free from sexual abuse and sexual assault". For a freer and more just society, because it is a society that educates, grows, develops and coexists equally".
President Txibite explained that the Government of Navarra is committed to extending the program to all publicly funded centers and that "co-education, affective-sexual education and sexual health also understand and accept the sectors that are against this program" and added that "we cannot ignore this resistance because it denies the influence of education in the alarming data of violence against women".
The SKOLAE program, which has an annual budget of 250,000 euros, aims to work so that all students can choose their life project based on freedom of choice and diversity, without gender conditioning, learning to identify inequalities and to fight them.
The co-educational project promoted by the Department of Education was launched in 2017-18 with piloting in 16 public centers in Navarra and currently there are 163 centers that apply the program. In addition, 2,000 teachers are developing their training and 45 people give guardianship to the faculty who develop the program.
Skolae Hezkidetza programak polemika asko piztu du Nafarroako eskuinaren artean. Haurrak berdintasunean hezteko programa Nafarroako eskola guztietara zabaldu du Gobernuak Skolae programarekin, irakasleen hautua izateari utzi eta haur guztiek beharrezko heziketa hori jaso... [+]