What we've lived through the last 40 years tells us, even if it helps us realize the goals, who benefits from confrontation and divisions. There is nothing more to see who and with what objectives the palaces of Carlos III and Ajuria Enea manage. And the ability to exercise the accumulation of forces in order to be able. But experience tells us that we have always had strong enemies in front. Because today is not the perverse love that we have from Paris and Madrid: we live in democracy, institutions are impartial and democratic. The insurmountable limit for the survival of our people is federalism. And it is.
But the truth is that the government decides the oligarchies of the parties, and that the parliaments are not the center of the decisions, nor the actual room for debate. The one who learned a lot about it is the one who was born in Llodio, asking him.
They're doing it in vain, that speech is obsolete and lied. With the help of the media, the ideological war has been deepening for years. It is true that ideology and psychology are important tools in the assimilation process. Let us remember what the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes said: “Force, and fraud, even in war the cardinal virtues”.
Until France and Spain change their speech, I do not do so, and I prefer that being the 28th President of the United States, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, grasps what was said in 1918. In the hope of contributing to international peace in Europe, he published the reasons and contents of the right to self-determination, even if it is true, which entered into force legally in 1976.
Because the way of making politics is not the current one, the PNV will not change its usual script; when they receive a message of consensus from Madrid, they will only take the last step; how to stage coexistence. And that's what the PNV knows.
Needless to say, the meaning of this decision is very important and profound, of course, for everyone, but especially for stateless peoples such as the Basque Country. This means that the laws we have, the institutions, the administrations, the political, military, cultural, social, administrative structures, etc., are unfair as long as we are prohibited from exercising the right of self-determination. Why? The right of peoples to self-determination as a principle and a source of democracy, peace and all institutions.
Therefore, while the state denies sovereignty to the people, using the army or other violence, there is no democracy and a renunciation of democracy.
So those who are on the edge of the mud from political corruptions, and even though the backrest is not strong enough, are managing money and power. Proud as guardians of democracy. They're always where there's money. Money is your main food. To squander without measures when they are saturated and hungry, to assimilate it.
We often leave them out loud and without any shame, trying to avoid confrontation, when we hear words as timid as perverse filled with lies. Because it is true that we can participate among equals “but to the extent that we accept that we are part of the imposing nation.”
In the same vein, in Navarre, the son of Corella tells us the same thing he said, now born in Cintruénigo, that the Navarros are Spanish. There is no change, Mr Patxi López, president of the CAV, when he faced Basque or Spanish identity in the Parliament of Vitoria, said “I like colored fish.” I am not in doubt. I recognize that he likes colorful fish, why not? But I'm clear, just two colors, yellow and red.
These kinds of polemics are the folklore of all life, they have nothing at all, they are nothing but the “forage” of journalists. The important thing is that the clear and well-known route carried by the PNV is important. Because the way to make their policy is not the current one, they will not change their traditional script; when they receive a message of consensus from Madrid, they will only take the last step; how to stage coexistence. And that's what the PNV knows.
Josu Iraeta, writer
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