The Israeli plan has – and will – become more and more viable to expel the Palestinian people from their martyred lands. It's exactly the same thing that happened in the past with the Indian ethnicities of the Far West American. The war against Iran is closer than ever.
The decline of the Syrian regime is part of a historic series entitled "the reorganization of the Middle East". These passages were initiated by the American neocolonialists after the end of the Cold War. They thought they had won the pulse, and they thought that, at last, they could establish a world order under their exclusive discipline. But the planet was big, too big. They were forgotten that the sinking of one part of the world, the USSR and its bloc, meant the sickness of others.
First Iraq, then Libya, and now Syria. All Arab regimes outside Western discipline have been falling one after the other. U.S. General Wesley Clark, then NATO Chief Commander, noted in the Pentagon memorandum: "Within five years we are going to end seven countries, starting with Iraq, and then with Syria, Lebanon, Libya, SOMALIA, Sudan and, finally, Iran." But things didn't go as planned. The result of the change was ambiguous, but regrettable to the promoters of destruction. Until then, agreements could be reached with regimes that were regarded as enemies, but once intervened in a violent manner, the reality is that these societies have been destroyed. Neither Washington nor anyone can say today that it controls the Middle East more than yesterday. On the contrary, the old disciplines have been broken or transformed, and the number of actors who want to restore them to their own measure has increased considerably.
Today neither Washington nor anyone can say that it controls more the Middle East than yesterday
Six of the seven countries cited are black holes. Only Iran is missing. Those who understand the Middle East say that the war against that country is now closer than ever.
Business has been bad for everyone. Society has paid it conscientiously: citizens have paid a great disaster, collapse and death. Syria’s failure has not been a “citizen triumph”, as the news reports suggest. However, it has been possible after more than ten years of Western sanctions. Among them, the civil war with hundreds of thousands of deaths, the processes of several million refugees, the total economic suffocation... And in recent years, this has been aggravated by a military occupation that has discounted the regime's major resources, food and fuel.
Syria's defeat has not been "a citizens' victory," as the news reports suggest, in the midst of a political crisis.
Since 11 September 2001, the permanent war that the United States has waged in the world – Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, etc. – has spent eight trillion dollars – twice as much as German GDP – to cause 4.5 and 4.7 million deaths – direct and indirect – and 38 million displaced. In addition to “emancipating” the peoples from those “sovereign dictatorships” and others from the region who lived the “Arab spring”, they have gone to worse. The protesters in Tahrir Square tore down Mubarak and got Sisi, who leads on the brink of socio-economic collapse. Gaddafi fell and Libya, the most prosperous state in Africa, became a destroyed mosaic of militias, with concentration camps for migrants funded by the European Union, and with the destabilisation and militarisation spreading throughout the sub-Saharan region. Iraq was destroyed as a state and has become a disappointed organisation, largely in agreement with Iran, which also wants to weaken.
In all of these cases, Western propaganda services known as the "media" sold us the same happy world, the same images as the demolished states, the looted tyrant palaces and the unfortunate jails. Now is it going to be different in the case of Syria? In any case, our authorities repeat the speech without looking back.
The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that the fall of the Syrian regime and the transfer of Islamist power is "an opportunity". The French president, in 2008, invited Bashar El Asad in the Champs-Elysées of Paris three years before the outbreak of the civil war he caused, and now France says it is "happy" with the fall of the "barbarian state". The representative of European foreign policy, Kaja Kallas, welcomed "the positive and expected event that demonstrates the weakness of Russia and Iran". No one remembers that the new Salafist leader in Damascus, Abu Mohamed al Golani, continues to seek and stop for terrorism by offering a $10 million reward in a passage from the U.S. Department of Justice.
perpetrators and godparents of the Palestinian genocide, such as the President of the United States, Joe Biden, and the head of the Israeli Government, Netanyahu, are pleased with the defeat of the Syrian regime and are claiming prominence. While people are being led to believe that the issue is related to a “popular rebellion,” Biden explained that the fall of Assad has been possible “directly” thanks to the “unconditional” help of the United States. Netayahu, for his part, said: "The result of the blows we have given to Iran and Hezbollah has been the right one," he added. Netanyahu has celebrated a "historic day" in which his troops enter Syria through the heights of Golan and Syria through the area. One of the leaders of the opposition to the Hadi al-Bahra regime has confirmed Netanyahu's thesis: the Russians are entertained in Ukraine and "due to the war in Lebanon and the cut in Hezbollah's forces, the Assad regime had less support." Another of the rebel commanders cited by the Israeli press goes even further and announces "good coexistence and harmony" with the Zionist state: "Unlike Hezbollah, which says it wants to liberate the heights of Jerusalem and Golan, we have never made a critical comment on the situation in Israel." On the basis of
a more detailed remark, the following points should be noted: The defeat of Syria is an unmitigated failure for Iran, the "axis of resistance" that unites Shia militias such as Hezbollah, Yemenis, Iraqis and Hamas, among others. Above all, however, this will affect one specific direction: against the Palestinian resistance. The routes for the supply of Hezbollah have been suspended, and Iran itself has ceased to have terrestrial access to Lebanon from Syria. This breaks down the essential geographical link to help Palestine.
Former Scottish diplomat Craig Murray announced a worrying situation: "The Sunni powers will accept destroying the entire Palestinian nation and founding Great Israel in exchange for Israeli-led forces and NATO to destroy Shia communities in Syria and Lebanon."
In a more general reading, the fall of the Syrian regime confirms that all fronts of war are communicating with each other. Suddenly, Western enemies show that Moscow and Tehran can do a lot of damage on other fronts. Turkey is an important economic partner for Moscow, but Erdogan has betrayed Putin. Thus, Russia has defined the triangle between it and Iran and Turkey as "a fragile and mutual understanding", which is unprecedented.
The Kiev press is proud of the assistance Ukraine has given to Syrian Salafists around the world. Seen as the beginning of something that could have happened recently at the Kazan summit, Brics suddenly reveals his internal inconsistency, his weakness and his inability to act in a concerted manner in specific situations.
We do not yet know the geography of the Damascus disaster and why the poor army did not fight. What composition or intrigue was there among the generals of Assad?
"We cannot be more Syrians than Syrians," said Putin, who has evaded any responsibility on the part of Moscow for air strikes. The Russian media are trying to conceal fraud as they can and tend to blame Assad. In the end, however, all this is not important, compared to what it means for the massacre of the Palestinians now in marcha.El Israeli plan is going to take ever
more viability to expel the Palestinian people from their martyred lands. It's exactly the same thing that happened in the past with the Indian ethnicities of the Far West American. In an explanatory article written from Beirut on 6 December, former Scottish diplomat Craig Murray announced a worrying situation: "The Sunni powers will allow the entire Palestinian nation to be destroyed and Greater Israel to be founded in exchange for the Israeli-led forces and NATO to destroy Shia communities in Syria and Lebanon." The war against Iran seems to be closer than ever. It is also, of course, getting closer to the end of the Iranian clergy’ spules to get a nuclear weapon.
Giza Eskubideen Siriako Behatokiak salatu du gobernuko indarrek gutxienez 800 zibil hil dituztela Latakia probintzian, "odol hotzean". Ahmed al Sharaa Siriako behin-behineko presidenteak iragarri du "batzorde independente" bat eratuko dutela gertatutakoa... [+]
The end of the Syrian Arab Republic has caused great surprise at the way in which it has taken place: fast and almost without resistance. However, it is not so strange when we consider that the country was destroyed, impoverished and trodden. Most Syrians have long been... [+]