Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

He's going to go to the republic, like he's going to the unions.

  • "I've been memory of a couple of books by Jane McAlevey, an American, and they tell very suggestive things. In favour, and believing that the parties are also valid for Euskal Herria, I have taken these words out of the book Unions, Organizing, and the Fight for Democracy freely. The article was written by Unai Oñederra on the blog Emeki KUnama.  
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

29 September 2021 - 15:58
Last updated: 18:13
Irudia: ELA
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

We don't need robots to take care of our seniors. What we need is for the rich to pay their taxes. What we need is the union to balance the power of corporations.

There's no more powerful way to force them to share what the upstairs earn than a serious strike. Trade unions, as in 1932, remain more effective than any other means or tool. We have to force those at the top to distribute. That requires terrible power. Only the power needed to get older people to share the wealth that workers have generated is achieved when they collectively start and leave their jobs massively.

The current situation shows us that there are no more effective weapons than trade unions and the super-majorities strike, there are no substitutes. There's only one way to force Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, to give a significant percentage of his benefits to the multi-million-dollar workers: strike until he gives what he's asked for. That's what good democratic unions do, and that's why they're as important as they were in 1932 in 2020. It can be won with toughness and with high-risk actions.

In addition, major strikes are a great political education. Strikes to win big are the best political education, because they bring together all kinds of different people (we choose friends, not companions). When workers decide to join, they understand that, thanks to a good union campaign, their employer is part of a broader power system that is responsible for the policies that affect them. It is no coincidence that cities and countries with the strongest trade unions vote in favour of progressive policies. That is why the right wing attacks trade unions over and over again. They understood it better than those on the left to do what they wanted (to abolish regulations, to control the electoral system, to destroy the planet with total impunity), first of all, that to balance the power of corporations they had to demolish the most important force this people has had: the unions. A well-unionized worker is an awakened worker who can change the direction of this people.

Beyond winning the election, learning to build supermajorities to get successful strikes has other benefits: building the power to govern. If political elections are won by an honored person on the left, unless the troops on the street remain mobilized to bring about change, it will be very easy for big corporations to keep everything as it is. Voters must maintain their unity and their activism even after the elections.

Trade unions have enormous value, not only to stop the loss of democracy and income inequality, but to teach the Americans again how to add. The power of ordinary people can only be built if normal people stand up in their favor, with their own resources and with good campaigns that turn the individualism they have in their heads around.

The power of the progressives is based on the unions that, with the support of strong and independent community-based institutions, assume the main objectives of society.

There is no better way to rebuild the bottom-up progressive base than a trade union willing to strike. Good trade unions put us in the right direction and create the solidarity and unity that is essential to win. We can fight and win.

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