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They call Simon Bolivar to place Euskal Herria on the map of the world.

  • The City Hall of Ziortza-Bolibar has highlighted that Simón Bolívar ‘Askataria’ is "a very topical person" in the event celebrated on the occasion of the 190 anniversary of his death.
Asier Altuna, Gorka Larrañaga, Jasone Agirre eta Ziortza-Bolibarko udal ordezkariak, Larrañagak egindako koadroagaz. Argazkia: Hitza
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The City of Ziortza-Bolibar today celebrated an event in which they emphasized the greatness and importance of Simon Bolivar Liberador [17 December], on the 190 anniversary of his death. The mayor of Ziortza-Bolibar, Alberto Garro, has stated that “with Simon Bolarregi let us put Euskal Herria on the map of the world”. In addition, the contemporary painting by the Azkoitiarra imager Gorka Larrañaga on Bolivar’s legacy to the City Hall of Ziortza-Bolibar has been shown in the act.

Garro has recalled that, although Bolívar died 190 years ago, his shadow reaches the present day. “First of all we admired Simon Bolivar as a liberating person; he was an indefatigable wrestler. In defence of people's rights, he faced social oppression".

Above all, Garro has claimed that Bolívar is a "very current" person and has "many possibilities". “As he did, let us work on equal relations between different cultures. We strengthen the connection between Euskal Herria and America. Let's see and learn from them. We strengthen our community, because from a small space you can get great things out. Do not forget that the great Bolivar was born of this small town. Let the world see how big this little Basque Country is. And in that task, the City Hall will be turned into the endeavor, with the cooperation of all of you. Long live Simon Bolivar and live the freedom of all the peoples of the world!’

Compromisos.En the event has also been projected the video sent by the mayor of Santa Marta (Virna Johnson), the oldest locality in Colombia, where Bolívar died. “Our was the last people of the Liberator. We are firmly committed to continuing their path.”

After Johnson, the video of Carlos Caicedo, former mayor of Santa Marta and current governor of the Magdalena department in Colombia, has been projected. He has also committed himself to putting into value what the Liberator has done and to remembering and continuing that path from generation to generation.

Then, Larrañaga has shown the table entitled Sustraietatik irudikatuz, in which he has participated with a series of explanations on the subject. The painting will also be seen at the Simón Bolívar Museum.

In addition, attendees have been given the engraving of the painting that has been given to all attendees. “Today it would be very easy to make a copy of the painting. So we've chosen to make an engraving. You will bring as a gift a small piece of art”.

Some attendees to the acto.Al act have attended representatives of the different collectives and collectives of Ziortza-Bolibar, as well as representatives of the municipalities of Lea-Artibai, the Consulate of Venezuela and Udalbiltza, the EH parliamentarian Bildu Jasone Agirre and the Secretary of International Relations of Sortu, Asier Altuna. In particular, the latter has contacted Larrañaga and the City Council of Ziortza-Bolibar to carry out the project of the table.

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