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Sexuality in the pandemic: More than a pleasure to download?

  • Jon Ziarsolo is a member of the Labor Relations Association. This association has been conducting sex workshops in schools for 25 years and Jon has participated in 40 schools, from 1st Elementary to Baccalaureate and Vocational Training. In the report that ARGIA will publish this week, Kike Amonarriz wanted to testify about the influence that the measures taken in the face of the pandemic have had on the classrooms. In this article, however, we gather the peculiarities that this course has seen in sexuality.

25 May 2021 - 17:04
Jon Ziarsolo sexu hezitzailea. Argazkia: Eneritz Arzallus.

It makes us remember that sexuality begins in childhood and that we have it throughout our lives, until we die: “Although today we tend above all to relate to hunger or to the genitals, we have it all over the body, and one of the objectives is to highlight this idea, since in this way the concept of sexuality becomes much broader and more diverse, extending pleasure and well-being to the whole body: We're all sexualized human beings, we can't be. All our ways of relating are sexuality,” he said. He says that the measures taken in the face of the pandemic have also influenced sexuality. On the one hand, he explained that in adolescence, purely sexual relations have become widespread, as social distances and the limits to meet new people have accelerated the use of social networks to initiate and link relationships: "They stay through social media, just to have sex. And that's where that relationship ends. They're not cultivated relationships. They already existed before, but they are now becoming universal, almost all of them related like this. Stay on Instagram, have sex through video calls...”.

He explains that we all have sexual need and that in the pandemic we seek to “download” the way we relate: “We are promoting limitation to the search for orgasm, speed. But the body needs skin, sexuality is also that, it's not just penetration. And that’s what’s missing, that relationship, that way of linking, talking peacefully, sharing...”

He explained that abusive use of screens during the pandemic has increased the tendency to pornography. Many boys and girls use pornography every day and remember that they need an adult look: “We’re not against pornography, but it’s better for parents to talk about what they’re seeing, so that what’s out there isn’t true and they see it critically.”

The two extremes, hypermasturbation and asexuality

He explains that masturbation is increasing: “In our workshops, a boy asked us if it’s ‘normal’ to masturbate thirteen times a day. We clearly say that the word ‘normal’ is not in sexuality. It's normal to masturbate a child and adolescent and not masturbate. Why does a teenager seek to masturbate more than once for a day?” asks Ziarsolo, and then gives his answer: “Because it’s not quiet. It's in tension. The body seeks distension and gets it through masturbation. It's not a pleasure, it's a shock. We asked them why they masturbate 3-4-5 times a day and the answer one gave me left me cold: ‘Because I’m sad, just because I have many hours, because I don’t know what to do, just... a! and because it gives me pleasure.’”

At the end of the class the students come with their concerns and Ziarsolo said that in this course the topic of asexuality has appeared to them: “‘I don’t feel like myself or any other’ the teenagers tell us, so far it hasn’t appeared to us and this year it does. No sexual desire. It is apathy, as I cannot be with others, and not by contact, but by myself”. It can also influence the fact that there is a lot of time with the family: “There may not be intimacy at home, and a teenager needs his rooms to be a latch. If you don’t have that, you don’t have time to explore, or to be alone.”

Hygiene and sexuality

This year we have increased hygiene habits, continuously cleaning hands with hydroalcoholic gel, disinfecting everything that affects us... According to Ziarsolo, "sexuality is getting clean. We don't let ourselves be carried away by hair, not even on the genitals. In both men and women, whole body hair removal is becoming more frequent. Why? We stop and they respond because the hair is unhygienic. On the contrary! The function of hair on the genitals is to protect them!”

Also with nausea flows: “Bodily fluids, saliva, sweat... look like a dirty thing. When we talk about the bassist flow, the serum... we see nausea. We're getting very sterilized. We ask our body and the person with us to be absolutely aseptic. We are seeing that way of relating.”

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