Five anonymous complaints against the same teacher were posted on the Instagram account 'Denuncias Euskal Herria' at the beginning of the week and four more people have confirmed to LUZ what they denounced. The UPV has also confirmed that it has received several formal complaints in recent years.
LA LUZ has learned that the first formal complaint against this teacher was filed years ago, accusing him of harassment. However, according to the same sources – and the complaints that have been known these days – “there was no significant change”.
The UPV has had a new rectorate since January 27, headed by Joxerramón Bengoetxea and the measures have arrived in a few days: the teacher who has received the complaints will not return to the faculty until it has been clarified what has happened.
The Rectorate Group notes that it is closely monitoring the discretion required by the Protocol and emphasizes that the priority is to ensure the safety of the victims. "The university asks the entire community and all social actors to act with the responsibility that the situation demands and not to enter into speculations that only increase the harm to the victims," they said.
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