According to the 2018 data provided by the Ertzain-Etxea de Irun, it is not true that in our region there has been an increase in robberies. Quite the opposite. The crime rate, on the other hand, cannot cover another reality, the attacks on sexual freedom have increased, they have tripled, in particular, after the 12 complaints of sexual assault recorded in 2017, which last year were 34.
In addition, the crime of injuries has increased from 231 to 299, being the biggest increase in this regard in the aggressions in the family environment, with 76 complaints.
Overall, however, the crime rate in the area decreased by 1.62% in 2018, reaching 2,670 infringements, 34 less. And above all, because burglaries have been reduced by 5.97%. In fact, 108 crimes less theft were committed last year than in 2017, especially in the case of burglaries in Irun and Hondarribia.Por so official data show that it is false that theft crimes have increased.
The news was posted by Antxeta Irratia and we brought it with the Creative Commons license.
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