The Inquisitor Pierre de Lancre, who arrived in Euskal Herria by order of the king of France in 1609 and who was based in the castle of Senpere, published in Tableau de l'inconstance des mauvais anges et démons (Table of the variability of evil angels and demons) in 1613. In this castle he carried out horrible crimes against the Basques: torture, trial and execution. Since then it has been called the Bruja Tower. The devil Pierre had Jutense Bernat Rostegi, grandfather of Baja Navarra. He was a Jesuit and a lawyer, what two trades he said and did to say and do. Beware of Jesuit lawyers, and the Jesuits with lawyers and, what the hell, with the Jesuits and lawyers…
The apple (Malus domestica), perfectly underlined Lancre, a biblical metaphor of transgression, in his religion served only to nourish excessive hatred.
It would not go down many times from the castle to the gardens of the area, at least during the months of April and May, otherwise it is impossible to talk to the apple in such a ugly, rough and absurd way. The fascination with the flowering of the infinite apples of that time would also seduce and hijack the most viper dolphin. It was, as now, about chalk blocks.
The delicate pink and white flowers of the flowering of the apples that are coming are a real pleasure. It is a unique, shining and luminous spectacle of the prosperity of the earth and the energy of the fertility of our work, color, smell, music, ability, freedom and, ultimately, beauty. Apple has been of great importance in our country: it has given us the apple and drink that have kept us alive. Apple is health, full of vitamins, minerals and life. The mouthpiece and cider have developed us as a culture and given us a world.
Apples flourish every year. Late apples will give apple a year and not a year. We're used to it. Every year, the apple mornings are eaten and the mouthpiece and cider is made every two years.
There are and there will be many collaborators. Despite the judicial floods, the Senpe chamomiles flourish every year. Let's plant chamomile.