On 6 February the tractors and peasants dressed in yellow vest occupied the roads of Navarra and, since then, in one way or another, they are on the roads of Navarra and especially on the streets of Pamplona with their demands.
During this time, the UAGN and EHNE unions and the UCAN food cooperatives association have held several meetings with the Government of Navarra. The agreements have been carried out by the Government of Navarra and next Monday they will meet again to analyse the actions and open new avenues.
Farmers in the O6 have also publicly expressed their desire to participate in these meetings, but counsellor Aierdi has replied to them or channelled their participation through other unions or through the formation of associations. Farmers in the O6 have started this second route and have created a partnership with the bilingual name of Seed and Belarra. However, the O6 movement remains as reported by colleagues.
The new partnership in general expresses in its statutes its desire to improve and modernise agriculture and livestock farming. They are looking for profitable production, safe and quality food, a balance between agricultural activity and the environment, and they are in addition to the research and development programmes in Navarra. With all this, they aim to make rural areas attractive so that their neighbours continue to live there.
Suspicions and comments on the O6
Everything has been said about the O6 movement, especially when Vox and the far-right agents try to use it. In other opinions, there are farmers of all kinds in the movement. On 15 February the movement convened a demonstration in Pamplona and brought together thousands of people on a cold and rainy day.
Trade unions have also emerged from the beginning with the retraction movement. For example, they did not call this demonstration and left their militants free to decide whether or not they were going. Subsequently, the first official meeting between them was held on 4 March to channel the relationship.
On 7 March the members of the O6 tried to enter the Parliament of Navarra. They have also protested in the surroundings of the house of lehendakari María Chivite and some of the movement’s peasants expelled machistan insults like the “whore” on 4 March in an event in Olite. The spokesmen of the movement then reject the events of the two days.
Suspicions also point to the flexibility of the police forces in general with them, since before other mobilizations the use of police force and the dance of fines is very different.
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