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A number of educational actors call for selectivity to be carried out under decent conditions.

  • In a few weeks the university entrance tests will be carried out in Hego Euskal Herria and the educational agents have initiated a dynamic to denounce that the administration has made decisions "unilaterally" and that the examination is carried out "in decent conditions". On Friday, concentrations have been called in Vitoria-Gasteiz and in Pamplona/Iruña to claim independence.

11 June 2020 - 17:27
Nafarroan ekaina amaieran eta EAEn uztaila hasieran egingo dute unibertsitatera sartzeko froga (arg.:

At the hearing this Thursday, several educational agents (Gora Ikasleen Borroka, LAB, Steilas, FeSP UGT, sortzen, Ikastolen Elkartea and the Platform by the Basque Public School) have considered the decisions taken by the CAV and Navarra education departments on selectivity.

In the manifesto Selectivity in dignified conditions, disseminated by the agents, it is stated that "the lack of knowledge and information" has been the main concern in the educational field since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, and in this context have situated what is happening with the proof of access to university: "To this day, there are many doubts about the course that comes and about the university entrance test, because they change the decisions from one day to the next," they say.

The Department of Education of the Basque Government announced a few weeks ago that the test would be carried out in July at the CAV, while the Government of Navarra will do so in the last week of June. In the absence of a few weeks, educational agents have found that "thousands of students are still full of doubts and difficulties".

They accuse the administration of acting "unilaterally" and state that the decision thus demonstrates that "they have no intention of building bridges with the educational community". In this sense, they have claimed that "their voice is heard" because they are the "pillars" that support the Basque educational system in the Basque Country.

Specific requests: security and equal opportunities

The manifesto details a number of demands: to be able to perform the test safely and provide an adequate transport service; to be able to maintain the safety distances and to allow the necessary materials, procedures and disinfections; not to include in the examination the work of the third evaluation; to ensure a flexible choice in the exercises; and to set the criteria for monitoring and correcting the tests in time.

In any case, they considered the same examination "out of place", as in the face of the situation generated by COVID-19 curricular contents could not be properly addressed and telematic schools have generated inequalities among students.

As they have announced, "own tables" of the educational community will be created in the villages to make and work their demands. Also, on Friday, concentrations were called at 11:30 hours in Vitoria-Gasteiz and Pamplona/Iruña to give continuity to the dynamics.


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