The Observatory on Linguistic Rights presents a report that lists the main linguistic rights gaps in Euskal Herria during 2022 and an analysis of the sectoral situation. It contains direct testimonies of citizens who have suffered violations of language rights. The report highlights the recession in the private sector.
Agurne Gaubeka, director of the entity, stressed that we are “far away” from the normalization of the Basque country in the different areas. “Despite the passing of the years, the right of citizenship to live in Basque in many everyday areas is limited and hindered”.
In his report, Gaubeka emphasises that many citizens see the Centre as an instrument for defending and defending their rights. However, he recalls that “if steps towards the normalization of the Basque country are limited, hindered or prohibited, linguistic rights will never be properly recognized”.
The director of the observatory has claimed the social responsibility of each company, association and institution in the normalization of the Basque country. He has also defended the need for a greater active supply in Basque: “For public administrations to have full capacity to function in Basque normally, they need effective resources”.
According to the data obtained, in 2022, 1,071 incidents were recorded in the Euskera Telefono service offered by the Observatory. Although last year there has been a small decrease in the complaints received, the technician Garbiñe Petriati has emphasized the gap between data and reality, and has stressed that it is an indicator of the emptiness of the whole system: “If the citizen is aware of his linguistic rights, he wants to receive the service without hindrance, he often obliges him to give up the use of the Basque Country”.
Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.