Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Six physician shifts at the Continuing Care Points of Llodio and Amurrio for September

  • On Monday afternoon and night there has been no medical presence at the Llodio Continuing Care Center. In September, the daily presence of a doctor in the Continuing Care Points of Llodio and Amurrio will not be guaranteed, although the absence will not be as marked as in the previous months.

05 September 2024 - 09:27
Argazkia: Aiaraldea

In total, there are six shifts of uncovered doctors in the areas of the two municipalities, health personnel have been reported to Aiaraldea Irratia.

These shifts are as follows:

Amurrio: 6 September: 17:00-09:00

Llodio: 7 September: 09:00-09:00; September 10: 17:00-08:00; 26 September: 17:00-22:00; 26 September: 22:00-08:00; 27 September: 17:00-08:00 hours

In addition, health workers have indicated that there was no medical presence at the Llodio Continuing Care Center on Monday between 17:00 and 08:00 hours.

The problem of the shortage of doctors has intensified throughout the summer in Aiaraldea. However, the most serious situations have not occurred in the Continuing Care Points, but in the Mobile Intensive Care Units. In fact, two weeks ago, a neighbor of Llodio died of a heart attack, when there was no doctor in the family unit. This event has again led to mass mobilizations "in defense of a public and dignified health system," according to the organization.

2024-09-05 | Estitxu Eizagirre
7 September celebrates Trekutz Day in Antzuola
The citizen platform Meaka-Irimo has organized this day to mobilize against the Trekutz project of the Spanish multinational Capital Energy. After the event, the participants will enjoy the championship, the popular food, the acting of bertsos and the pilgrimage.

2024-09-05 | ARGIA
The human chain against incineration on Sunday will denounce the waste management of the City Hall of Donostia
The Anti-Incineration Movement will carry out a human chain against incineration on Day 8 in Donostia-San Sebastián. The demonstration will start at 11:00 from Alderdi Eder in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

The Basque Government is ready to talk about punishing Ekondakin for illegal waste from Artajona
In June the Government of Navarre asked the Basque Government to open a dossier of sanctions against Ekondakin for the leachate transporting Artajona from the incinerator of Zubieta.

Two Donostiarras are at risk of jail for trying to put a banner in favor of prisoners
Joseba and Eñaut Alvarez, parents and children of Donostiarras, have been sentenced for attempting to place a banner in favor of the release of prisoners in Plaza Nueva de la Parte Vieja on the eve of San Sebastián 2023.

A geological phenomenon that made most of the Mediterranean species disappear 5.5 million years ago
About 5.5 million years ago, technical movements separated the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean. At the same time, a gigantic salt store was formed under the Mediterranean.

I would like to understand…
I should like to know how my people’s neighbours voted in the last elections. I'd like to know who I drink morning coffee with in the town's inns. I would like to understand why these results have occurred in Iparralde.

Roman jail in Corinth

Although it was thought that in most of the cities of the Roman Empire there were jails, little remains have been found of the prisons of the time in the fields.

Recently, however, the archaeologist at the University of Copenhagen, Matthew Larsen, has identified the Roman... [+]

When do we start singing?

Geissenkloesterle (Germany), 42,000 years ago. Those living in the cave of the Danube basin made a flute with bird bones and mammoth ivory. At the same time, the inhabitants of the cave of Divje Babe in Slovenia also made a flute with the femur of a bear. These are the oldest... [+]

2024-09-04 | Reyes Ilintxeta
Isa Egiguren
"There's not much difference between the Libyan coast guards and the Mafia."
Journalist and passionate human rights defender. The prisoner has worked with non-governmental organizations such as Doctors of the World, Mutual Support or SHM as a volunteer and journalist. In several media he has published numerous reports from the Greek island of Chios,... [+]

"We will have to start sharing the spaces that until now occupied the exclusionary alarm"
The traditional Alarde of Hondarribia and the company Jaizkibel will parade, as every year, from September 8 at the Arriaga Theatre. But the city council governed so far by the PNV has been acquired by Abotsanitz and the changes it has made have raised controversy in the... [+]

In addition to medals, the Olympic Games have also left Parisian videosurveillance and gentrification
If you want to listen, there are also voices saying that, without undermining the ‘party’ represented by the Olympic Games and the Paralympics, they have been a huge social, ecological and economic cost. This is where the French Parliament, the elected members of LFI France... [+]

2024-09-04 | Mati Iturralde
One Summer Chronicle

In summer, we retirees don't tend to be hungry for vacations, and we can calmly analyze everything around us. Here are some issues that surprised me.

Spain. The Euro Cup and the Olympic Games are all over the summer. I have to say beforehand that professional sport... [+]


With the Zabalduz caravan in the city of Bihac in Bosnia Herzegovina, activist Nihad Suljic explained to us that the Drina River is the largest tomb in the Balkans. In order not to be forgotten, he is responsible for identifying the bodies that are found and for giving them... [+]

Old news

I don't know if we're hit by heat waves anymore, if it's a normal hypocrisy or a systemic logic, but the gap between what we know, what we say and what we do, beyond concern, surprises me, especially in a summer environment. News, research, social media interactions… constitute a... [+]

Reception Rooms for Newcomers

Among many falls, there are also achievements. A young mother of about 35 years old asked me the other day how they could get in their school that the classmates who had not received Euskera at home learn and speak as well as the boys and girls who were Euskaldunes at home. In... [+]

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