By decision of the Johannesburg Summit, which began on 23 August, six more countries will form the alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS). Currently invited countries are: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt, Argentina and Ethiopia have been invited. However, the Decipher war clarifies that there are 40 countries willing to participate.
Invitations to join the alliance have given rise to different reactions. Mohammada Jamshidik, attached to the head of the cabinet of the Iranian Government, considered historic: “It is a strategic victory for Iran’s foreign policy.” Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan is grateful for the invitation but explains that they have to look at the “details”. However, in Brussels and Washington they have not seen the final decision with good eyes, because it can question its power.
The alliance would be strengthened by the concentration of one of the world’s largest oil and energy exporters, such as Saudi Arabia. The economist has published that they would control 42% of world oil.
In 2006, the alliance between Brazil, Russia, India and Tina emerged with the objective of being a benchmark in international trade and, above all, in the south. By the way, the aim is to deal with American influence and the dollar. In 2010, South Africa joined and in 2015, the Bank for New Development was set up to loan projects from emerging economies, Berria explains.
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