The police offensive that lasted several hours and injured dozens of people in Vitoria-Gasteiz on 18 May 2015 has run out of legal arguments. In this popular wall they were arrested by the Ertzaintza Aiala Zaldibar, Igarki Robles and Ibon Esteban, and ahead – a few days earlier – Xabat Moran, Marina Sagastizabal, Bergoi Madernaz and Ainhoa Villaverde. Tried by the National High Court in 2014, he was sentenced to six years in jail for being “part of the armed gang” – unlike 21 other young people being prosecuted on the same basis.
But the Constitutional Court has now ruled that legal proceedings were not respected because the defence had no opportunity to put forward its arguments and considers that this decision was null and void. The defence had appealed to the Supreme Court, but the court of the National Court, presided over by Judge Angela Murillo, had illegally ordered the imprisonment of the seven convicted persons. And the Ertzaintza did.
According to ARGIA, in a previous case of the Ertzaintza – that of Gernikarra Jone Amezaga – the Ertzaintza asked Judge Ángela Murillo for permission to arrest the young woman, citing the “accumulated experience” from other public fortifications. In the case of the seven young people of Segi, they were also arrested and imprisoned without having exhausted the times and legal procedures.
The youth attorneys have explained to Hala Bedi Irratia that the judges knew that the conviction of these young people “had no legal basis” and “maybe that’s why they decided to despise the rights and guarantees of these people”.
It is precisely within less than a month of imprisonment that the Supreme Court acquitts five out of seven persons and lowers the prison sentence to two years for the rest, Villaverde and Esteban.
Defense lawyers have said they are considering raising a complaint to the State about the damage caused to young people by the action of the National Court, “although we know that the damage is already irreparable.” These young people served almost one year in prison, and one and a half years in pre-trial detention.
Agorrilaren 27an igorri nizuen gutunean, irailaren 10eko auzian euskaraz deklaratzeko asmoa nuela adierazi nizuen. Auzi honen hastapenean, epaile nagusiari euskaraz zekienez galdegin nion. Gutxiespenarekin ezetz erantzun zidan. Orduan, nere gutuna eskuratu zuenez frantsesez... [+]