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Access to Seaska: It is historic!

  • After the conflicting end of last course, we have started a new course. And we couldn't start better than counting ikastola 37. Because we want the Basque country at home, on the street, in school and at work, it is essential that the ikastolas are close to home, close to citizenship, so that it is a real option. Therefore, for our part too, we must thank Arbona and Ahetze Burasoak, because thanks to their efforts we will get the Basque Country to live in this region. On the first and second lines of the coast of Lapurdi, all peoples now have a ikastola, in the areas where the Basque Country is the least left and the population is the most numerous. We also have to thank the neighbours of both peoples, who wanted to strengthen this initiative so that the future maternal ikastola would be located in Arbona, and the first level in Ahetz.

11 September 2019 - 10:04
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Despite the fact that in recent years the rates of creation have been declining, in Seaska the figures continue to rise. On Monday 4 001 students entered, from the ikastola loves to lizeo. In the following days, 73 2-year-olds, each at their own pace, will enter to exceed the range of 4 070 students. (There will be 2,648 elementary school students, 1,353 high school students). It is historic! The need for more instructors is nothing more than the result. And one example of this is that in recent months we have had to make a number of extensions at the ikastolas. We have installed prefabricated buildings in Basusarri, Beskoiz, Bidart, Bokale, Lekorne, Ziburu and at the Estitxu Robles College in Baiona. We have carried out or are carrying out enlargement works in the schools of Angelu, Arberoa, Sara, Ziburu, Manex Erdozaintzi Etxart and Estitxu Robles and at the Liceo Etxepare de Baiona.

We have opened the first year in Biriatu (CP), the third year in Basusarri (CE2), the fourth year in Beskoitze, Ziburu and Azkarate (CM1).

Looking more closely at the figures, the small ikastola in Bokale is not so small, as the numbers have doubled from 9 to 18 students. And at the same time the Ikastola Oihana of Baiona, which is next door, continues its development with 9 more students (143). The situation of Lekorne is also noteworthy, with 13 more students than last year (63) and who will be approaching 70 to 2 years of age throughout the course. The development of Basusarri does not cease +9, and the ikastola Zaldubi of Senpere has also added quantities never seen +11 (111), reaching throughout the year 115.

In the second levels there are also increases in number in schools quickly +35 in Baiona, in Estitxu Robles College (142), +28 in the Piarres Larzabal of Ziburu (321) and +10 in the Manex Erdozeintzi Etxarte de Larzabal (227). At the Etxepare Lyceum, the number of students has increased by 20 people (374 more students). It is worth noting that in Vocational Training we will have 50 students. In the coming months we will have to find departures for the ikastolas that have little space, such as Bidar, Basusarri, Beskoitze, Lekorne and Ziburu. And especially 5. It will have to be located in the location of a school south of Lapurdi, as the Piarres Larzabal College of Ziburu overflows.

It is true that in the end we have achieved 19.5 seats, but in the schools we have filled the classrooms, in the three schools we have more than 30 classrooms. With 11 seats in charge of SEASKA, we will manage to unfold those rooms in part. But the needs remain large, as for example in Baiona School, where they have not had documentalists, although they have had 147 students. Manex Erdozaintzin has to adapt to half of the documentalist positions, despite having a total of 227 students. They envisage a documentalist of the programmes of the French Ministry of Education, but those posts do not want to give us. There is also a shortage of schooling assistants for children with special needs, as the figures are also steadily developing.

Anyway, we want to be optimistic. And we hope that the commitment we signed last July with the Basque Public Office and with the Rector will be met with all the possibilities. We hope that the new Academy Inspector and the new Rector will take account of our peculiarities. Despite the fact that the problem of jobs lies in Paris. We hope that the Blanquer ministry will not forget us for the third year in a row and that it will propose a multiannual development plan that the Basque Country and the minority languages of the State need. For our part, we are prepared to advance this work with the elgars.


Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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