On Wednesday, July 4, several teachers and parents went to Bordeaux to protest in front of the rectory. On July 28, a stage of the Tour de France will take place between Senpere and Ezpeleta and Seaska calls for Basque citizens to take advantage of the Tour to show their anger.
The affected students are 13-14 years old, from Piarres Larzabal, Xalbador, Manex Erdozaintzi Etxart and Bernat Etxpara. Seaska had acquired the right to do Mathematics and History-Geography in Basque in Brebeta. Although in 2017 they did not officially have this right, the Science study was conducted in Basque. The rector did not raise any objections. The 179 students of Seaska have done the same this year, and the rectory has ordered that the exams not be corrected.
For Seaska, there are no budgetary problems and there are enough teachers to lead the exams, the issue is a lack of political will. In the view of the Federation, France ' s objective is to discredit the language, to marginalize it at home, and to destroy it.
Eric Etxartek Seaskako lehendakarikide ardura hartu berri du urte hatsarrean, Antton Etxeberri eta Sophie Layusekin batera. Peio Jorajuriaren lekukoa hartu dute hirurek, eta Lehendakarikidetza taldea osatu dute.
The SEASKA federation has been able to enter the programme with a hundred more students than last year. With two-year-olds joining in the coming months, the limit of 4,300 pupils will be exceeded. In the first year, the increase is 33 students, but the most outstanding is the... [+]