Because in the four current centres – Larzabale, Kanbo, Baiona and Ziburu – there is not enough space to accommodate all the students, Seaska will build a new centre in Senpere, near the lake where the Herri Urrats is held.
Matxin Irabola College?
What will be the name of the new school? Several citizens have proposed the name of bertsolari Matxin Irabola (Senpere, 1879-1935), according to the radio station France Bleu.
The SEASKA federation has been able to enter the programme with a hundred more students than last year. With two-year-olds joining in the coming months, the limit of 4,300 pupils will be exceeded. In the first year, the increase is 33 students, but the most outstanding is the... [+]
Haserre mintzatu da Peio Jorajuria Seaskako lehendakaria, Beskoitzeko Herriko Etxeak astelehenean hartutako erabakiarekin. 51 haur dituen ikastolarekin hitzarmena eten du auzapezak, eta sei hilabeteren buruan debekatuta izango dute bertan eskolak ematea. Gurasoek harridura... [+]
Egoera tirabiratsua bizi dute Beskoitzeko ikastolako gurasoek herriko etxearekin. Herriko gelak baliatzeko debekuak, baimen ezeztatzeak edota jantegi publikoan bazkaltzeko mugak...