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Seaska makes human chain to claim the right to tests in Basque in Bordeaux

  • Two months ago, the Euskera Public Entity and the representative of the French Ministry of Education met and agreed to continue to negotiate the possibilities for the Basque language and the Basque language. Since then there has been no movement. Seaska made the human chain at noon on Monday and about 1,000 displaced people from Euskal Herria have joined the Rectorado de Educación and the Plaza de los Derechos Humanos.
Seaskak mobilizazioa egin du Bordelen Hezkuntza Ministerioari urratsak exijitzeko azterketa euskaraz egiteko eskubidea lortzeko. / Irudia: Euskal Irratiak

14 November 2022 - 11:15
Last updated: 22:53

A thousand people have organized a human chain on Monday at noon in Bordeaux to claim the right to bruma and low in Basque. Two months ago the delegation led by the Euskera Public Entity EEP and the French Ministry of Education met, which undertook to hold a second conference in a few weeks to further discuss the rapid decision and the possibilities of abatement on the breb. Since then there has been no further news.

The 14th of November is the final day for students to join the lower and Seaska representatives have wanted to take advantage of the human chain. Low is the degree that students must obtain in order to attend higher education and the brebeta is the test that must be performed once the school is finished before going to school. The human chain was held between 12:00 and 13:00, uniting the Rectorado de Educación and the Plaza de los Derechos Humanos.

Seaska has four schools in Iparralde, a liceo and 33 top-class ikastolas. On Monday, students, teachers, parents and representatives of Seaska meet in schools and head to Bordeaux. Ekhi Erremunerdegi, a journalist from Berria, has followed the mobilisation.

As for the Brebeta test, they require that all the exam be performed in Basque (except the French subject). Currently, most tests do, but scientific tests cannot be performed in Basque, that is, in the language in which they are studying.

The situation is more serious and has taken steps backwards. Before the reform of the Lower of 2021, the students of the lyceum were able to study History Geography and Mathematics in Basque. This year, however, no written test will be possible in Basque, not even the examination of the Grand Oral, although an agreement was agreed that part of the Grand Oral could be held in Basque, according to the Kazeta media.


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