Seaska requires 25 jobs, and the Public Body of the Basque Country says that at least 15 are needed. However, the French Ministry of Education has offered only 5.5 jobs. They are mobilizing in view of the fact that the State’s offer does not meet Seaska’s needs.
“Seeing that Paris does not listen to us, the representatives have decided to organize this first mobilization. It’s a first date and if things don’t move this week we’re planning a new mobilization”, explains Hur Gorostiaga, director of Seaska Journalist.
During the People’s Step event, the President of the Basque Country, Jean-René Etchegaray, Senator Max Brisson and Deputy Vicent Bru, said they would take Seaska’s demands to Paris.
Aiaraldeko hainbat irakaslek mezua igorri diete ikasleen guraso eta familiei, dagoen informazio zurrunbiloan, grebarako arrazoiak modu pertsonalean azaltzeak euren borroka eta lanuztea hobeto ulertzeko balioko dielakoan.
Grebaren bezperan Hezkuntza Sailak “edukirik gabeko” mahaia deitu zuela eta sindikatu deitzaileak “errespetatu gabe” akordioa “antzezteko” gutxiengoa duten sindikatuak “erabili” nahi izan zituela salatu ostean, beste bi greba... [+]
Eric Etxartek Seaskako lehendakarikide ardura hartu berri du urte hatsarrean, Antton Etxeberri eta Sophie Layusekin batera. Peio Jorajuriaren lekukoa hartu dute hirurek, eta Lehendakarikidetza taldea osatu dute.
The SEASKA federation has been able to enter the programme with a hundred more students than last year. With two-year-olds joining in the coming months, the limit of 4,300 pupils will be exceeded. In the first year, the increase is 33 students, but the most outstanding is the... [+]