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Companies in the energy sector in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates join forces with Basque companies

  • From 2 to 4 July two members of the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) and the Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA) have been holding meetings and visits in the Basque Country with companies working in electricity networks and solar energy.
Argazkia: zuzeu

The SEC and DEWA met mainly with companies from the Basque energy sector. The Basque companies that participated and held these meetings at the Carlton Hotel in Bilbao are: HWS Concrete Towers, Pena, Batz Energy, Tamoin, ZIV, Sener, Idom, Rebattery, Supra Systems and Relyum.

The representatives of the SEC and DEWA companies also made a visit to the Zabalgarbi incinerator in Bizkaia to see how energy is produced by burning waste. They also visited the Basque companies Arteche, Alkargo and Ingeteam.

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