Saudi Arabia has not got a seat on the UN Human Rights Council, which has renewed fifteen jobs.
Only four of the five countries that have presented themselves as candidates for the Asia and Pacific teams have achieved a position in consejo.China, Saudi Arabia, Nepal, Pakistan and Uzbekistan have been the countries that have come forward this year. With the exception of the Arab country which is governed by absolute monarchy, all the others have managed to enter the country.
Finally, Bolivia, Côte d'Ivoire, the United Kingdom, Russia, the French State, Gabon, Cuba, Malawi, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Senegal, China, Ukraine and Uzbekistan will be the fifteen countries that will join the orrgano.Seran three years from the next 1 of enero.Entre all those countries, Human Rights Watch has wanted to reject the Russia's.
On the case of Saudi Arabia, the NGO has recalled that, despite the reforms announced by the authorities, the country continues to attack human rights defenders and dissidents and accounts for very little of its past crimes, including the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
As a geopolitical expert has recently heard, Saudi Arabia does not align itself in favour of Palestine because of the great interest that Israel has in the Ben Gurion channel that it wants to build and that will pass near Gaza or Gaza. It should be remembered that in addition to... [+]
You might say it started with a photo and it hasn't been more than a month. It began as forced if we had to interpret the photograph: it seemed comfortable and contented when the medium was alone. Therefore, 10 March saw no extraordinary future for the restoration of diplomatic... [+]
Hainbat deliturengatik kondenatutako presoak zeuden Saudi Arabian exekutatutako 81 pertsonen artean. Egun bakarrean –larunbatean– exekutatu dituzte guztiak, SPA albiste agentziak jakinarazi duenez.
Juan Carlos I.a Espainiako errege emerituaren azken eskandalua, Saudi Arabiako AHTren eraikuntzagatik jasotako eskupekoa, monarka espainiarrek aspaldi hasitako zerrenda luze baten enegarrena da. Borboi Etxearen ustelkeria sistematikoa, huts egin duen estatu ahul baten sintoma... [+]