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Satellite warn of the instability of the Yesa reservoir

  • Geological studies have warned on more than one occasion and now the warning comes from satellite surveillance: The Yesa reservoir is not stable. Copernicus, the European Union’s Earth observation programme, has detected a ‘movement’ on the slopes of the reservoir.

19 September 2023 - 08:30
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Not only on the surface but "over 100 meters deep." This latest report reports that movement is also detected inside. And you can conclude that today the reservoir is dangerous and always dangerous. As other geologists have already warned, Antonio Casas and Antonio Aretxabala reaffirmed what Copernicus says: that there is movement and that there is no security.

Belen Ausejo, a member of the 'No More Esa' platform, said that the latter confirms what Casas and Aretxabaleta also said. It has taken into account that independent investigations have previously indicated this. "It is clear that there are interests, there can be a willingness to do work and to allocate money to specific companies economically. And that is that there is no serious research studying whether the expansion of the reservoir would bring real benefits," he said. "If it comes to irrigation, there is no more irrigated land. It will only bring more disasters," he added. This latest report also confirms what is happening in the Yesa reservoir.

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Closure of the extension of the Esa reservoir
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They want to end the expansion of the Esa reservoir by 2027
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Ingeotyc geology recommends not to extend the Yesa reservoir
It concludes that the right side of the reservoir remains unstable and therefore there is a level of risk. The report was prepared by geologists Valentín Ibarra and Tomás Morales of the company Ingeotyc on behalf of the City Council of Sangüesa.

Remírez states that the Government of Spain acts rigorously in the Yesa dam, 22 years after the beginning of the works
The Vice-President of the Government of Navarre, Javier Remirez, explained in the Parliament of Navarre a study on the safety of urgency which was completed fifteen months ago and which has not been published so far. The investigation was carried out on behalf of the Government... [+]

Extension of the Esa reservoir is welcomed by the report of the Ministry of Transition
Finally, the report of the Government of Spain on the safety of the Yesa reservoir has appeared, which has been “lost”, and allows the work of the reservoir to continue.

They denounce the loss of the report commissioned by the Government of Spain on the Yesa dam
The Spanish Government's Ministry of Transition commissioned the Spanish College of Road and Port Engineers to see what the organization said about the reservoir's viability.

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2020-10-07 | ARGIA
Esako urtegiko eskuin hegala ez da oraindik egonkorra, txosten ofizialak aztertuta ondorioztatu dutenez

Uraren Kultura Berria Fundazioak (FNCA gaztelaniazko sigletan) Esako urtegiari buruzko azken txosten ofizialak aztertu ditu eta ondorioztatu du urtegiaren eskuineko hegalak "ezegonkorra" izaten jarraitzen duela eta, beraz, "segurtasuna ez dagoela bermatuta".

2020-08-27 | ARGIA
Esa urtegiak sorturiko arriskua ezkutatu nahi izatea egotzi diete agintari politikoei

"Esan eta manipulazio informatiboa" izeneko idatzia zabaldu dute Esa Ez-Lanak Gelditu eta Río Aragón elkarteek hainbat hedabidetan. Agintari politikoek, azpiegitura horrek dakarren arriskua ezkutatzeko darabilten hizkera salatu dute.

Eguneraketa berriak daude