The Gaztetxe Sastraka of Portugalete (Bizkaia) is also at risk. Nine of its members will be tried in the courts of Barakaldo (Bizkaia) on 5 November 2010. The Gaztetxe has called a demonstration for next Friday, November 1, in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca.
In 2020, they occupied an abandoned building for years, Karmengo Ama College, to turn it into Gaztetxe. Shortly afterwards, a man invaded the space by burning himself and found gasoline drums scattered throughout the space. Since then, dozens of people from Portugalete have dedicated themselves to the rehabilitation of the building.
It has been four years since the restoration of space and Sastraka has already been given the "shadow of the court". They have pointed out that it is intended to "criminalise and punish" the occupation movement because "for four years we have liberated from their hands a building that intended to devote it to ruin and abandonment and have given it a new life", they stressed.
In Sastraka, a "political and cultural offer beyond the logic of capitalism" has been created and has been "a space for countering thousands of assemblies, working days and so many droplets of sweat", according to its members. Concerts, fairs, exits to the mountains, an orchard and other projects have been launched.
Despite the fact that gaztetxe is now in danger, "nothing is over," he added. Thus, this week they will be mobilized to denounce the trial: "It is not only the opposite of these young people, but it is a judgment of worldview and collective struggle," he added.
Errekaldeko Gaztetxearen aurkako huste-agindua heldu da jadanik. Espazioa defendatzera deitu dute bertako kideek.
Larrabetzuko Hori Bai Gaztetxeak 60 urte bete ditu. Euskal Herriko Gaztetxe zaharrena da Larrabetzukoa.
Pasa den urriaren 30ean, Portugaleteko Sastraka Gaztetxeko bederatzi lagun auzipetu zituzten. Handik egun batzuetara Portugaleteko kaleak hartu zituzten hainbat lagunek gaztetxearen defentsan. Bi egun geroago, fiskalak karguak kendu zituen.
Isabelle Pargade Hazparneko auzapezak ofizialki eman dizkio Ttattola gaztetxeari lokal berriaren gakoak. Bien arteko negoziaketa luze batzuen ondorio da.