Is the poetry dead? It will be the title of the book. Joseba Sarrionandia’s poetry is an anthology that includes 112 poems. The translation will be done by Ainara Munt Ojanguren, edition by the poet Victor Sunyol and design by Mai-t Carbonell.
Participants in the campaign will receive a copy of the book and other supplements.
Istorioetan murgildu eta munduak eraikitzea gustuko du Iosune de Goñi García argazkilari, idazle eta itzultzaileak (Burlata, Nafarroa, 1993). Zaurietatik, gorputzetik eta minetik sortzen du askotan. Desgaitua eta gaixo kronikoa da, eta artea erabiltzen du... [+]
Entrepreneurship is fashionable. The concept has gained strength and has spread far beyond economic vocabulary. Just do it: do it no more. But let us not forget: the slogan comes from the propaganda world. Is the disguise of the word being active buyers? Today's entrepreneurs are... [+]
Spring is usually a promise of a cold winter nose that can come after the landing, and has been annotated several times for sleep. Promise, however, is never a safe spring in a ruined terrain. Not at least if we are talking about change or, in particular, revolution. Maddi... [+]
We opened the poems book by Oihana Jaka and found two deals. One father and another son. It is worth noting for its direct relationship with the poems we will find. The book is structured in three parts:
Hamaika urte, Hamaika hilabete eta Hamaika egun. Number eleven is also... [+]
Yolanda Castaño has been interviewed since she received the Spanish National Poetry Prize. The head of a row from one of them caught my attention because he said the second hardest thing he's ever done is win the prize. And I immediately began to look for what was the hardest... [+]
A few years ago, I wrote a little book about Tene Mujika, which is called Udazken Argitan. When I started doing that biographical essay, I met our protagonist today, Mr. Watson Kirkconnell. In 1928, Kirkconnell published a nice book of European Elect anthology, which included... [+]
I do not remember who I heard that at the end of the month you can only write poetry, if poetry is not your way to the end of the month. Poetry, fortunately or unfortunately, has always been on the periphery of the literary system and the cultural industry. In any case, poets... [+]