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Courts confirm three-year prison sentence against Sarkozy for corruption

  • Nicolas Sarkozy, former President of France, is sentenced to three years in prison for corruption. However, he will not have to enter prison, as the court determined that he will be able to serve the sentence in house arrest.
Sarkozy zigortu dute epaitegiek berriro ere.

17 May 2023 - 10:49
Last updated: 15:45

Sarkozy is sentenced to three years in prison for a corruption offence committed in 2014, two years after his cessation. In the first instance of 2021, the same penalty was imposed. The Hearing found that she can serve the sentence detained at home and with an electronic arm.

According to the ruling, the former French President, with the help of lawyer and best friend Thierry Herzog, offered a job in Monaco to Gilbert Azibert, judge of the Supreme Court, in exchange for information on a judicial process in which he was involved. The Hearing resolved that among these three men there was a "corruption pact."

In the resolution, the court has stated that the crimes committed by Sarkozy are "particularly serious" because they are committed by a former president of the Republic, "one who has been a guarantee of the independence of the judiciary".

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