The allegations include the fact that Libyan dictator Muammar Khadafi has financed the 2007 presidential campaign. Five years later, François Hollande was again charged with illegally financing the campaign that led him to renew his post as president.
The case got even worse. Sarkozy, who, in addition to financing Sarkozy by billionaire Lilliane Bettencourt, wanted access to the secret information of the court summary, allegedly offered a prestigious position to a senior judge in Monaco.
Nicolas Sarkozy insisted that he “abandoned politics” even three years ago, after he had realised that the road to the latest presidential elections had been completely closed. If so, by the way, he will be the first President to be judged in the history of France.
The trial itself has "forced" Sarkozy to remain alive in the political arena, he added. Experts in France’s daily politics claim that Sarkozy has not abandoned the policy in a military coup attempt. The situation in Les Republicans is a living indicator of the general crisis.
On 21 June, it is 50 years since President Georges Pompidou took office in the Republic. "Pompidou was my political father," said Sarkozy, at a conference held this Friday at the Pompidou Museum.
Nicolas Sarkozy is in a terrible dilemma. In the last twenty years of French politics, he has left a great trail. He broke it, but he splashed it. He says he has left politics, but politics has not abandoned it.
1969.urtea was an anniversary of the evolution of France. Social transformation led to a new development of policy between the past and the future. There was also an important change in various instances of the State.
Five decades later, with the mandate of Emmanuel Macron, new ways of making politics have been opened in France. And by the way, the new way of making politics is the day-to-day indicator of a new era.
Nicolas Sarkozy is in a terrible dilemma. It has deepened in the last twenty years of French politics. He broke it, but he splashed it. He says he has left politics, but politics has not abandoned it. It has so many enemies in politics as enemies, in the power spaces of the State, in the judiciary, among others.
At this stage there is no longer the place he had in his political family, nor the possibility of presenting himself to the presidency of France. However, it can be said that it has interference in Les Republicans. Republican Sarkozy is the embodiment of lovers of the French monarchy. The asylum or caste of Napoleon Bonaparte. In the absence of a king, a kind of emperor. A brand that is attributed to former Spanish politicians, despite their republican trajectory. A kind of baron in current secular politics, they say.
Nicolas Sarkozy has presented himself to the head of Georges Pompidou as a tribute to his former president, Georges Pompidou. According to him, Pompidou endorses the hallmarks of identity: political love and fidelity. Moreover, he insisted that in his speech he joins "the classicist values of the Pompidou".
It is supported by various sectors of the financial world, as well as by a large number of judges. As if it were not enough, he has opened his eyes to the artistic world at the most modern museum in Paris. Sarkozy does not miss the slightest opportunity to praise himself.
Apparently, she has made friends with her wife, Carla Bruni, in the art world for ten years. And it has further strengthened the offensive against the enemies of justice and politics. Sarkozy's not dead.
Lehen aldia da Nicolas Sarkozyk epailearen aurrean erantzun beharko diela Libiako diruarekin 2007ko hauteskunde kanpaina finantzatzeari buruzko galderei.
Nicolas Sarkozy Frantziako lehendakari ohia libre geratu da bart epailearen aurrean deklaratu ondoren, baina fiskaltzak hiru delitu leporatzen dizkio: ustelkeria, influentzia trafikoa eta instrukzio sekretua haustea. Delitu hauen zigorra 10 urteko espetxe zigorreraino iritsi... [+]
Christine Lagarde Nazioarteko Diru Funtseko (NDF) idazkari nagusia deitu du deklaratzera Frantziako Justizia Auzitegiak maiatzaren amaierarako, ustelkeria salatuta.
Manuel Valls Frantziako Barne ministroak (PS) Ipar Euskal Herriko lurralde Elkargoari buruz esandakoak alderdi guztietako euskal hautetsien haserrea piztu du. Batasuna, AB, MoDem, UMP eta alderdi sozialistako ordezkariek kritikatu dituzte Vallsen hitzak. ETAk armak uzten ez... [+]
Nicolas Sarkozyren etxea eta bulegoak miatu ditu Frantziako Poliziak, instrukzio-epailearen zuzendaritzapean. Frantziako presidente ohiari 2007ko hauteskunde kanpainarako Liliane Bettencourt L'Orealeko jabe eta Frantziako pertsona aberatsenak dirua legez kanpo eman ote... [+]
François Hollande presidenteak 2012 amaierarako Afganistanen dauden 3.300 soldaduak erretiratuko dituela baieztatu zuen atzo NATOko herrialdeak Chicagon egin zuten goi-bileran. Modu horretan, AEBk proposatutako erretiro planarekin hautsi du Frantziak.
Bozemaileen %81,60k bozkatu du. %51,50k Hollanderen alde (PS), %48,50k Sarkozyren alde (UMP). 46 milioietatik 36k eman du boza. François Hollande da Frantziako Errepublikako VII. presidentea, 1.100.000 bozen aldean. Ozta-ozta, baina amaitu da Nicolas Sarkozyren aroa.
François Hollanden garaipenaren ostean Frantziako eta Alemaniako gobernuen indar lehia berehala hasi da. Atzo, Angela Merkelek argi utzi nahi izan zuen bi herrialdeek austeritate politikak zehazteko daukaten itun fiskala ezin dela negoziatu. Hala ere, Merkelek atea... [+]
François Hollande izango da hurrengo Frantziako presidentea, espero zen bezala, Nicolas Sarkozyri irabazita. Frantziako telebista kateak emandako emaitzek aukera gutxi uzten diote eskuindarrari oraindik ere lehia irabazteko. Sarcozyk berak ere onartu du Hollanderen... [+]
Frantziako presidentetzarako Nicolas Sarkozy eta François Hollande hautagaiek aurreikuspenak bete zituzten atzo TF1 eta France 2 telebista kateetan eskainitako eztabaida saioan. Hollandek aldaketak eskatu zituen, eta hari erantzunez, Sarkozyk esan zuen Frantziak ez... [+]
Inkestek iragarritako hautagaien emaitzak bete dira, gutxi gorabehera. Parte-hartzearen ehunekoan huts egin dute, ordea. Herritarren %80ak bozkatu du, espero baino ehuneko hamar gehiago. Sarkozyren bataila piskologikopean jokatuko da bigarren itzulia.