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Thousands of people claim that the removal of prisoners is not over, but welcome their progress

  • On 8 October solidarity was imposed in Donostia at the demonstration called by Sare to assert the rights of Basque prisoners and prisoners. The day has been used to celebrate what has been achieved so far, bringing the majority of the prisoners scattered in recent years closer together, but warn that there is still a way to discard the policies of exception and removal; there are 37 prisoners in the Spanish State. The next meeting is in Bilbao, at the demonstration on 7 January.
Milaka lagun elkartu ziren presoen eskubideen aldeko manifestazioan. / Argazkia: Sare.

10 October 2022 - 11:41
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

As the citizens’ network announced, there was a festive atmosphere in San Sebastian on 8 October, but the demands for the rights of Basque prisoners have been present at all times. Spokespersons for the Bego Atxa Network and Joseba Azkarraga summarised this day at the closing event: “Let’s enjoy today, let’s rejoice at what has been achieved so far, which is no small thing. Tomorrow we will continue to denounce and reclaim.”

They stress that steps have been taken in prison policy and have carried out the Izan Bidea initiative launched in 2020 from Boulevard: “Today we have met the challenge we set ourselves two years ago: to build as many kilometres as the inhabitants have Euskal Herria.” The section missing to complete 3,127,326 kilometres has joined the demonstration in favour of prisoners in Plaza Pio XII. Sare recalled the outstanding steps, inter alia, the final closure of the removal policy: “We have to approach these 37 prisoners who are still in Spanish jails, because to the extent that one is far away we will not be able to talk about the end of the policy of alienation.” They have also reminded the prisoners in French jails and congratulated Bake Bidea and the Artesano de la Paz for their work of freeing Esnal and Parot after 32 years, among others.

They stress that the sum of all citizens, politicians and human rights actors accelerates the achievement of the objectives and the joint struggle so far is an example. They also appeal to continue to denounce violations of prisoners' rights, and note the following quote: the demonstration will be held in Bilbao on 7 January.

Emergency policies

Sare denounces that exceptional prison policies continue to impede prisoners' access to the house:

“We remain anchored in a policy based on the exception, something that is even more evident every time the National Hearing, promoted by the Prosecutor’s Office, appeals and rejects the progressions of degree or prison permits that the Treatment Commissions recognize Basque prisoners. Only from revenge can it be understood that these prisoners comply with long unfamiliar sentences in Europe with a single objective, the maintenance of exceptional legislation applied ad hoc, such as Organic Laws 7/2003 and 7/2014”.

Xabier Letona explained in detail the situation of Basque prisoners in the latest issue of ARGIA, which can be read in: As soon as the dispersion is over, the permit lockdown arrives.

Solidarity Festival

After the demonstration, the doors of Illumbe are opened and the music is imposed until a few hours in the morning. Sarek continued on Saturday with the party of solidarity, and at the opening ceremony the spokesman of the Inaxio Oiarzabal Network disseminated the same message of celebration and claim: “Opening cracks in walls that could not be demolished, the situation is changing, but there is still a long way to go before we celebrate today and work again tomorrow.”

Illumbe has been enlivened by famous musical groups that have filled the square to the neck. Eñaut Elorrieta, Belako, Su Ta Gar, Liher, Hertzakeko Josu eta Gari, Zea Mays, Esne Beltza, Doctor Deseo and Rotten XIII have played one after the other in the plaza and all have sent messages of solidarity with the prisoners, underlined the work done by the volunteers and thanked the achievement of the achievement. The public has responded with heat. In the outdoor tent, music has also not been lacking: both for children and adults have been Porrotx and friends, as well as Ttek elektrotxaranga, Trikidantz, Andoni Oilokiegi, Sua and Dupla.

Concert by Belaco. / Photography: Network.
Porrotx and friends on the outside tent. / Photography: Network.

On Sunday, Sare explained on social media that October 8 was a good day, but they have warned that at the Ilunbe festival there have been several attacks on the phone to pay attention to the attacks. “We collaborated yesterday with Sare, Euskal Herriko Bilgune Feminist and Emagin Elkartea, and today we want to denounce the aggression suffered yesterday. We will not accept any type of attack (insults, contacts, threats…)”. They have condemned the aggressions and even opened a reproach for the feminist struggle.

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