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We see ourselves on the net

26 April 2024 - 10:07

As we are clear that we want to live in Euskera in our towns and neighborhoods, it is clear that it is essential that Euskera be on the Net if we want to live in Euskera in all areas. Because the Net has long become the natural space of our life. Today we can do on the Net everything we do in other places: learn, work, buy, talk to friends, create all kinds of relationships, play, watch movies…

It has often been mentioned that the Network, and in particular social networks, strengthens the hegemony of large languages. In this sense, we are aware that the juvenile referents of Euskal Herria are fundamentally Castilian and that this problem is often exacerbated in social networks. It is therefore also necessary to ensure the presence of the Basque Country in the Network, as well as the creation, promotion and consumption of Basque content.

It is also clear that everything that happens in Basque society is reflected in the Net, and the opposite is true. In short, they are a reflection of each other, and the current reality cannot be understood without the interaction of these two spaces, the digital and the physical. Therefore, whatever the struggle, we must influence the Network to transform society. In other words, if we want to live in Basque in the Basque Country, in the Red we will also have to live in Basque.

Being Euskal Herria a stateless nation, the Internet offers us a free space in which we can reclaim our identity and our language; on the Internet we can find new spaces to live in Euskera

The digital world can bring us many new opportunities, and our mission is to take them on board, among other things, to promote the use of Euskera. In addition, being Euskal Herria a stateless nation, the Internet offers us a free space in which we can reclaim our identity and our language; that is, on the Internet we can find new spaces to live in Euskera, capable of uniting all Euskal Herria above the borders.

Let us therefore use these possibilities to build the Basque community together. A community made up of creative content, the public and users and, ultimately, all Euskaltzales. This will strengthen the identity of the Basque Country and help us to normalise our language.

Creative content contributes to Basque culture in the digital sphere, creating content and extending it to new spaces. Projects have been created with Euskera in the centre, organized and implemented without anyone telling us anything and committed to living in Euskera. We believe in Basque and Basque, we are also active subjects of Basque culture and we have to say.

Let us say clearly: if the Basque Country is Euskaldun, the Basque country must be on the Net. Therefore, we consider it essential to ensure the visibility of the Basque Country, as well as to have the community itself and to collaborate with it. Likewise, we show our firm commitment to focus the Basque and Basque Country: both in the creation of content and in the construction of the community.

We want to live in Basque in the digital plaza of the Internet, also in the squares of our peoples. From here we call on all Euskaltzales to live also in Basque on the Net, creating, promoting, consuming and forming part of the Basque community.

We look on the net.

*Multiple signatories (alphabetical order and list at the time):

• Ainara Lasa Pérez @ainariss

• Aiora Mujika @probatxo San Sebastián

• Alfonso Vila @alfontso_sax

• Amets Pérez Garcia @amdesiin (Tik Tok)

• Ana Sarria Muxika @pentsaerak.podcast

• Ander Torregaray @espidermander

• Andrea Gonzalez Valle @andrgzv

• Asier Errasti @asiererrasti

• Athenea Mendia @Athe2403 (Twitch)

• Eder Etxebarria @edvacun87 (

• Eider Zabalegi @gamelusaioa (youtune, peertube) @il4rgi (youtube, twitch)

• Elene Mendizabal Hernández @elemelonsv

• Eneko Oroz Ormazabal with @ekinta

• Gaizka Izagirre Brosa @GaizkaIzagirre (Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter)

• Game Erauntsia Association @gamerauntsia

• Gorka Santesteban @kultur_ zast

• Haritz Odriozola Olalde @HaOdriozola @TheProdigyEH

• @zital Iban Bilbao Bartu

• Iker Domínguez Gallego @rekisab (Tik Tok, Twitter, Instagram) @recanas ( Youtube and Twitch)

• Iruñe Astitz Larunbe, @arkkuso (Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, Tik Tok and Mastodon)

• Iñaki Alegria

• Jokin Pedreño Alcolea, @Jokin_PA (Tik Tok, Twitch, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram)

• Jon Peli Etxeberria Darraidou @JonPeliEtxDar

• Julen Portillo @julenpo (Instagram), @julenportillo (Tiktok)Tiktok)

• Lander Bilbao Basarrate @lastotxapelblog (Twitter) @lastotxapel (Twitch and Youtube)

• Lander Unzueta @Lanunzu

• Luma Otaño @luma.ov

• Mikel Iriarte @joxemiel

• Maddi Etxeberria Otaegi on @begaonegi (Instagram, Tik Tok)

• Maddi Kintana, @ladymadimort (tiktok)

• Radio Maketo @maketoirratia (twitch, youtube, twitter, instragram, tiktok, spotify, ivoox)

• Marian Antoñana Abalos @marianatonnana

• Marina García @bioKasle

• Sergio @tfe

• Tasio Sudupe @tasiosudupe (Youtube, Peertube, Mastodon, Twitch)

• Tibalt Alberdi Osa @gitarraeuskaraz (instagram and youtube) @pubguitarraeus (twitter) @pubguitar (twitch)

• Xabi Linazasoro @Trikuxabi

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