In order to facilitate the dissemination of the Zionist hate speech and its account of the facts, the Israeli genocidal State relies directly on censorship. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Zionists have systematically asked social media platforms to censure thousands of profiles and content. To do so, they have used an excuse that is well known: They affirm that the content mentioned incited "violence" or "terrorism".
Between 7 October and 4 November, the Zionist authorities made a massive attempt to mark the full account of the events of those days: in particular, they called on several platforms to eliminate 9,500 profiles or contents. 60% of these requests were made to the Meta group and were accepted by the company, which eliminated 90% of the profiles and contents criminalized by the Zionists. Meta is the leading company in Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc.
However, this corporate submission is not at all new. The Israeli Cybernetic Unit has said many times, proudly, that the platforms meet most of the censorship demands it makes: It is estimated that the level of compliance is up to 90%. According to EFF, this censure has targeted, among others, "Palestinian rights activists, news groups and civil society". In several social networks, therefore, the content that can be published has been modified and adapted according to the requests of the Zionist authorities.
The EFF has also made known the specific practices of some social networks. Social networks X and TikTok, for example, have further limited the type of information and content that can be published. Meta has directly acknowledged that it has censored some comments, including those on the Palestinian flag, and has placed a direct ban on the Arab expression "shaheed" (which is used to express the "martyr").
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Yala Nafarroak deitutako manifestazioan 2.000 pertsona inguruk hartu dute parte eta Iruñeko hainbat kale zeharkatu ditu Gaztelu plazan amaitzeko. Azken irakurketan adierazi dutenez, "erokeria distopiko hori geldiarazi daiteke, askoz gehiago garelako kapital handiak... [+]
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