The research has explored the importance of videos and images on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Facebook and revealed the association of most ads with beauty stereotypes.
The more time you spend on social media, the more impact you have on young people. Both in their low self-esteem and in their perception of their own bodies. This is even more noticeable in women.
The researchers asked a group of university students between the ages of 18 and 25 about their perception of their body image. The women surveyed admitted that the image of the woman shown by the social media ads was stereotyped and too skinny. But when asked about the body image they wanted to have, most people’s answer came close to the prototype shown in these ads.
In addition, low self-esteem is linked to eating disorders and experts in the field of health say that these problems are increasing. What’s more, the impact of ads on eating disorders on a scale of 5 is said to be 4.60.
This news has been published by the portal and we have brought it thanks to the Creative Commons license.
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