The Citizen Network makes an assessment of penitentiary policy between 2022 and 2023, criticizing the “obstructive” attitude of the National Court and denouncing emergency policies. According to the report, the Public Prosecutor's Office has used 75% of the third grades approved by the Basque Government.
It is positive that in the last year the treatment boards have proposed 24 progressions, approved by the Minister of Justice of the Government, and there are eight further proposals for progression. However, they denounce: “Most Basque prisoners should remain on average or on probation for compliance time, still a long way from the possible outcome of the implementation of ordinary prison policy.” They estimate it would be about 115 prisoners.
Sare said that the National Court of Spain has a “confrontational position” on the decisions of the prison treatment committees and that emergency policies are still in place.
In fact, sixteen of the 24 progressions approved by the Basque Government have been appealed by the prosecution. “If regulations designed for a completely different context are not repealed, the minimum requirement is to apply the rule with sense and flexibility,” the platform said. He has also claimed that the processes of integration of prisoners should be controlled in the Basque Country.
In this sense, Sare has called for a process of normalizing the situation so that the phase passed “does not generate more pain”, repealing exceptional laws.
“Saihestu egingo dira giza eskubideen, ordenamendu juridikoaren eta espetxeetako tratamendu psikosozialaren aurkako balioak eta jarrerak babestea, justifikatzea eta goratzea ekar dezaketen adierazpenak”, dio, besteak beste, agiriak. Azaroan Eusko Jaurlaritzako... [+]
Frantziako Poliziak 2002an atxilotu zuen zumarragarra, eta 30 urteko zigorra betetzen ari da. Sare Herritarrak mobilizazioa deitu du datorren ostiralerako, Urretxuko Potros Plazan.
I've thought if Palestinian children also have this question in their head with our book. How many duels are missing to end the genocide? How many children should Israel kill with the complicity of the states of the world.
Are you going to ask these questions to your mothers? Or... [+]