"We need the Basque republic so that factories like SAPA qualify as illegal and defend life. That is why we are convinced that the implementation of the Basque republic is the most effective action we can do for peace in the world," said Ehun. "To highlight all this, we have decided to bring to the doors of your company what SAPA produces," he adds, referring to "corpses". "This company is directly related to the 78 regime, as it targets all its production to the Spanish Army," the movement has denounced.
Video of the activity and note:
We have brought to the SAPA portal what producen.Con this action we wanted to highlight the
— Ehun #Basque Republic (@ehunduz) December 30, 2022
need for #Basque Republic to get out of the war situation that is dominating and unlawfully putting the death industry. pic.twitter.com/4i8aOKGyCL
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