The news has been spread by the CCOO trade union, which has decided not to go to unemployment. Summary of Bengoa's career path:
Santi Bengoa was born in Aramaio in 1955, but lived in Otxandio from a young age. He went on his first strike in 1973 at the bearing company Rodisa in Elgoibar, when he was a member of the negotiating committee for the collective agreement.
In 1974 he joined the Michelín plant in Vitoria-Gasteiz and began to participate in the CCOO trade union of the Basque Country. In 1976 he was arrested several times and participated in the labour struggle of that year, although the company in which he worked did not support the mobilizations. The day after the 3 March killings, he helped Andres Linares to gather the graphic testimonies of the day of mourning, which have been used to document those events.
In 1976 he participated in the Barcelona Assembly in which he went from being a CCOO movement to being a union. Later, he participated in the first congress of the Basque CCOO, held in Leioa in 1978. CCOO was appointed Secretary-General of the Executive of the Chemical Federations of the Basque Country, a position he held until 1988. He remained in office until the Assembly in 2000.
On leaving office, Cameron returned to Sidenor, where he retired in 2016, where he stayed for two years.
Grebaren bezperan Hezkuntza Sailak “edukirik gabeko” mahaia deitu zuela eta sindikatu deitzaileak “errespetatu gabe” akordioa “antzezteko” gutxiengoa duten sindikatuak “erabili” nahi izan zituela salatu ostean, beste bi greba... [+]
By mistake I received the monthly magazine of CCOO of the Basque Country, Assembly of December 2023. Get curious, and then the end with the two-page news: This is a summary of the conference organized on the occasion of the “Basque Day 3 December”, with the aim of analyzing... [+]
"Sindikatuak enpresa zekenenak bezalaxe jokatzen du", salatu dute beharginek. 2014tik izoztuta duten hitzamen kolektiboa eguneratzea eta soldata-igoerak eskatzen dituzte.
Sindikatuak ez datoz bat hezkuntza hitzarmenaren zirriborroarekin, langileak eta langileen aldarrikapenak ez dituela kontuan hartzen eta hezkuntza “publikoa, euskalduna eta propioa” nahi dutela diote. Mobilizazioak eta greba eguna iragarri dituzte martxoan.
Osasun sistema publikoaren "egoera larria" salatzeko greba eguna dute gaur, astelehena, Osakidetza osoan. Sindikatuek eskatu dute Mahai Sektorialean "egiazko negoziazioa" egon dadila, Osakidetzaren "egiturazko arazoak" jorratuko dituena. Ehunka... [+]