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Donostia Neighbours and Natural Groups Call for a Plan to Protect Santa Clara Island

  • The works of the artist Cristina Iglesias in the lighthouse of the island will end in the spring of 2021. A number of actors have expressed concern about the possible “collateral influences” that could be generated and have called for a sustainable management plan.

10 December 2020 - 15:48
Hainbat eragiletako kideek agerraldia egin dute Donostiako portuan.

The BiziLagunEkin platform of Donostia-San Sebastian, the ecologist group Eguzki, the Association of Naturalists Haritzalde and the association Parke Bizirik Kulunbera appeared on Thursday at the port of Donostia-San Sebastián for the installation of the work of Cristina Iglesias in the lighthouse of the island of Santa Clara.

As they have explained, they are "concerned" about the possible discomfort they may cause after the exhibition of the artwork. Among other things, it will bring changes to the environment, heritage, municipal coffers and the tourist process of the city, as explained. They denounce that the Municipal Government of Donostia-San Sebastián has ignored the improvements proposed to avoid this type of damage, and that the cost of the work has increased by 11% “when, in this context of crisis, social needs and needs have increased”.

The proponents of the paper have wanted to make it clear that they do not want to question the artistic value of the project, but they say that the values that the island and the city have should be protected and, by leaving it intact, would produce "irreparable damage". Thus, the case of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe has been set as an example.

These groups have recalled that Santa Clara is a “gem” in the center of the city, “that articulates the collective identity of Donostia” and have considered it essential to ensure that this remains so. To this end, they have proposed the creation of a management and use plan for the island.

This plan would include, inter alia, a number of limitations on the maximum number of persons and the time of year to reach Santa Clara and enter the island, as well as the number of days to keep the artwork of the lighthouse open: “It would ensure the maintenance of the friendly leisure breathing space function currently performed by the island.” In addition, the Plan proposes that no additional infrastructure be created or that activities be carried out that may have educational interests, “strongly rejecting approaches that seek tourism growth”.

In his view, there is still scope for a “open and participatory” project, bearing in mind that the island is a biotope that must be protected for future generations. Thus, they have asked the municipal government of Donostia-San Sebastián and the technical team of the project to "activate" the necessary resources to ensure this protection.

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