The Spanish Supreme Court handed down a judgment on the 2016 sanfermines group rape case on 21 June, after nearly three years of trial in which the case was closed. The Supreme considered as “continued sexual assault” the one that had until then been considered sexual abuse by the Navarra Hearings – the Provincial Court and the High Court of Justice – and went from nine years in prison initially imposed on the rapists to fifteen years in prison – the aggressor removed his cell phone after two years of rape. On Friday, 5 July, the judgment has been made available to the National Court with the arguments supporting the decision taken.
According to the Supreme, five men knew, without their consent, that the woman was bound to the sexual liberation of her sentimental partner. The sentence states that, without knowing what the woman was going to happen, they sought a situation to violate her and that they purposely led her to a “hidden, narrow, and outless” place. According to one can read, the victim was "distressed, surprised and unable to react", a situation that the aggressors used to force the woman to fulfill her promises. The sentence states that the woman has suffered at least ten sexual assaults in the past.
The sentence confirms what the feminist movement has said over and over again during the judicial process, as it understands that “the silence of the victim can only be understood as no”. According to the report, it was not necessary for the woman “to have a heroic attitude for the defendants to be aware of their refusal”.