The yes of the Catalan, Basque and Galician nationalist deputies was key, and although their need was not essential, the Member of the Canary Coalition has finally opted for Sánchez. The result contrasts with what he has experienced in the streets of Spain in recent days, despite having first shaken the “electoral fraud” and the “coup d’état”, because Sánchez has now had more support than in 2016 Mariano Rajoy of the PP. Finally, PP, Vox and UPN have opposed the investiture and all the others have opted for it, and Sánchez has won twelve more votes than in 2020.
Thursday's investiture plenary has begun with few demonstrators outside the building in the Spanish Congress. The night before, there have again been incidents and fifteen wounded in front of Ferraz in Madrid, between demonstrators and police. The extreme right's effort to surround Congress was a failure yesterday, and the forces of the demonstrations are decreasing.
Mertxe Aizpurua: yes, to close the road to the far right
The day begins with those who did not have time to speak yesterday. EH Bildu has launched the morning session and Mr Mertxe Aizpurua has said from the outset that they will support the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, based on three reasons: one to close the road to the far right, two to recognize the plurinational state and promote the democratization of the state, and three to promote left-wing policies that benefit the working classes and workers.
He tells the PP and Vox that they pardoned the authorities, torturers and corrupt who fueled state terrorism. Remember that a Spanish king suffered fiscal amnesty. It believes that it is time to open new avenues for national conflicts in the state, as they have done in the UK and Scotland. And Aizpurua is also looking at the Middle East: It calls on Sanchez to denounce the genocide of Israel against the Palestinians and to recognise Palestine as a state. Vox leaves Congress for as long as Aizpurua speaks.
Sánchez briefly replies to Aizpurua: “Democracy serves to forge agreements between different parties.” She confesses that the conversation with EH Bildu in the last term was fruitful and thanks him for his constructive attitude. It does not promise you that Aizpurua will comply with all the requests, but it will receive them with interest.
Esteban: tractor, basket ball and rugby
Aitor Esteban of the PNV has shown his knowledge of the dialectic of Congress and has metaphorically encouraged the atmosphere with tractor, basket ball and rugby. He has stirred laughter among Members, especially when he said that perhaps one day he will explain what the popular have offered him to defend Feijoo, “it would be striking.” Later, El Diario Vasco announced that the PP offered the Ministry of Industry to the Basque nationalists, who refused. The PP denies the news. Stephen also looks at Gaza at the beginning and calls for “ceasefire”. It reminds Sanchez that the powers of the autonomies must be respected more, because his words often have nothing left.
He has also looked at the camp of Alberto Nuñez Feijoo, and accused them of wanting to get in the street what the institutions cannot do, and seeing what he is seeing doubts that in 1978 “there should be no break rather than a transition”. On Wednesday, Feijoo told Esteban the tractor, and this time Esteban replied with rhyme “to see if you understand me”: “Alberto, your tractor has screamed the engine for Use Vox oil” (“Alberto, your tractor has the starry engine because it uses Vox oil”). Finally, he reminds Sánchez that today he will put the ball in the basket, but that the negotiations do not end here and if he wants to complete his term of office he will have to negotiate throughout the legislature.
Sánchez responds that what is happening now in the state has occurred earlier in other countries such as Brazil and the United States. In territorial matters, he pointed out that PP and PSOE are not the same, “as suggested on several occasions”, and that PSOE understands the territorial problem better than PP. It has also listed the competences which, in recent years, are addressed to the Basque institutions.
Catalan: “Between Ortega Lara and Otegi, we favor Ortega Lara”
In the turn of Ione Belarra, acting minister of Podemos, has denounced that Podemos is refusing Sumar and the PSOE to hold office, and has asked Yolanda Díez and Pedro Sánchez not to resign Irene Montero from the next government. She accuses Díez of his responsibility and complains that she has not called him since last June. However, the new government has recalled that the engine Podemos is indispensable.
It follows the turn of the joint group with the participation of BNG, Canary Coalition and UPN members. The representative of UPN, Alberto Catalunya, has fought the PSOE and, in addition to accusing him of not taking steps in Navarre in the competences and in the most ambitious projects, he explained that in the election of seats it is clear where “between victims and executioners” remain: “Between Ortega Lara and Otegi, we Ortega Lara”. He stressed that today there is also a vote on “impunity and alleged terrorists”, “the laundering of ETA’s heirs and the breakdown of the rule of law”, and that therefore UPN will not support impunity or investiture based on treason.
PSOE spokesman Patxi López has fought hard against the PP and has confessed to him that he won the elections, but has accused him of hearing what happened afterwards, “because the elections had clearly said that they did not want to govern the extreme right and the extreme right.” He has stated that the amnesty law is absolutely constitutional, because in the pre-constitutional one is clearly committed to coexistence and amnesty responds to it.
Throughout the morning several demonstrators from the far-right have attacked a group of PSOE deputies, including eggs, and López has sent animations and messages of strength to the militancy, insisting that it does not stop the ends of the right. PP condemns attacks. It has also been known throughout the morning that, at the request of the PP, the amnesty law will be discussed in the European Parliament, according to Dolors Montserra, spokesman for the PP.
In the last turn before the vote, Sánchez has immersed himself in democracy and procedures: “This has been the mechanism we established in our Constitution, and this debate will end with the election of the legitimate and constitutional government.” He recalls that the forces that support the new government represent 12.5 million people and thanks the groups for their work in Catalan, Basque and Galician.