Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

We've cleared the bridge of St. Spirit of Bayonne!

  • To get rid of the Bridge of St. Spirit, a joyful and symbolic gathering is organized on Wednesday, March 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the Plaza de la Reduit. A collective partnership proposes two simple measures to improve people’s lives and act against climate change. We must act soon so that these proposals are included in the Tram’bus project in question.

15 March 2018 - 10:11
162 pertsonak okupatu zuten Baionako San Izpirituko zubia lekuko herri mudimenduek deituta. (Argazkia: Bizi Mugimendua)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

– First step: create and organize a meeting space between the train station and the Casa de la Pueblo de Bayonne. The meeting point will be an area open to all types of transport (cars, collective transport, pedestrians, bicycles, etc.). The speed of traffic management and the protection of the most fragile people (pedestrians, bicycles, handicapped people) will be limited to 20 km/hour. The space will contribute to coexistence and the availability of shops. In order to allow a harmonious and germinated coexistence (building materials and adapted areas, etc.), organizational logic must be added. If this logic is a political will to enter into the Tram’bus project, it is still feasible.

– Second measure: experimentation of bridge sawing to cars on weekends. In Alabama, with reduced traffic and traffic on weekends, the freeing of the bridge would be a coherent thing in the Tram’bus project. It would give a new attraction to the inner city of Bayonne, to the new public areas and to the next Tram’bus, and this in a logic of complementarity of the forms of movement. The decision is in the hands of the House of the People and has no technical difficulties. With the arrival of the first Tram’bus it could be easily implemented in the plant, providing an efficient exit that complements the car.

On the occasion of the Tram’bus project, the San Espiritu Bridge and the renovation of public areas, the March 14 meeting aims to alert the public authorities to the need to take more account of the environment of the inhabitants, the commercial and tourist economic attractiveness of the neighborhoods, the improvement of the well-being of workers and inhabitants. In an urban area where 4% of journeys are carried out by collective transport and 1% by bicycle, it is urgent to propose real arrangements for the movement of 85% of the Nun population who live and work in the territory by collective transport, walking or cycling. 130 million euros will be invested in the urban project linked to the Tram’bus, a large part of which will be paid by the citizens of the city centre and Bayonne. It’s time to do whatever it takes to get rid of it completely.

The Aturri of the rally ended up on the banks of the river in a good atmosphere. (The photo: Movement of Life)

In the context of the meeting of the International Panel of Climate Experts in Paris, this meeting is part of a series of actions that have been undertaken to fight against the climate, against the planet’s degradation and to ensure the survival of humanity. The Institute of Health Care and the Order of Doctors affirm that “the fight against air pollution in the city must be considered as a problem of public health priority.” We know what the short-term effect will be, from the symptoms of bad breath to death. In the long term, the impact will be as severe as tobacco and alcoholism, which we know can kill 42,000 people. For our health, we must act now and build a more beautiful future for our children.

It's time to make our word heard. All citizens are invited to come to the joyful and symbolic gathering on March 14th on foot, by bus, bicycle, skate, trotine, with their children, family or friends and, if possible, with colorful costumes! The gathering will end and the suction of friendship will be offered in the Place de la République. Come on foot, bus! And if possible, in colored clothes!

Associations that sign up: L’Arbre à signes, AVAP, Vive!, CADE, Les Mères Poules, Saint-Esprit sur le Pont, Buzind’ola, etc.


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