The Association of Fathers and Mothers of Children's Schools has analyzed the data of the preterm mothers of children's schools in Pamplona published on Monday, according to the demand of the Basque Country. Well, according to reports, statistics have shown that demand in Euskera is 15% higher than what the institutions say. Parents estimate that the average demand in the areas where there is supply in Euskera is 35.2% and not 20%, according to the city council data: “The City of Pamplona has limited the demand in Euskera to 20%, making false statistics and propaganda of its will,” said HE Gurasoen Elkartea. They warn that statistics cannot be assessed in “absolute statistical data”, but in data from neighborhood to neighborhood. In fact, in the middle of Pamplona there are no places in Euskera, for example, and they stress that closeness is an important factor for parents when choosing children's school.
Likewise, they indicate that the Basque country cannot be measured through the parameters of supply-demand: “All children have the right to learn Basque.” The association asks the Government of Navarra and the City of Pamplona to stop the exclusion of the Basque Country and claim that classes for children from 0 to 3 years need “close and in the model of immersion”.
Iruñeko Euskalgintzak azaldu duenez, hirian dauden 12 udal haur-eskoletatik bakarra dago euskaraz murgiltze ereduan: "Horrek esan nahi du eskola horietan eskainiko diren 1.069 plazetatik 130 bakarrik izango direla euskaraz (%12'16a)". Eskaintza murritz hori... [+]
Haur Eskolak Euskaraz plataformak deituta, herritar talde batek protesta egin zuen otsailaren 2an Nafarroako Legebiltzarraren aurrean, Iruñeko Udalak hiriaren haur eskoletan euskararekin duen jarrera baztertzailea salatzeko.
2022-2023 ikasturterako eskaini dituzten 1.069 plazetatik soilik 130 dira murgiltze eredukoak. Beste 129 plazek euskaraz gain ingelesezko jarduerak ere izango dituzte. Haur Eskolak Euskaraz plataformak eta EH Bilduk salatu dute Navarra Sumak euskarari egindako beste eraso bat... [+]