“We want to sensitize the population about the connection of mobiles, tablets and computers with the war in eastern Congo, as well as to develop the skills and abilities of students,” explains Ivan Barrio, a member of Jolas eta Ekin. “We should not let so many people explode in the mines and the workers be at the service of armed groups, then those blood-stained minerals come into our hands hidden in our mobiles,” he added.
In the Congo, more than five million people have died in the last two decades and four million have been forced to leave their homes as a result of the conflict called “The War on Minerals in the Congo”. In addition, 100,000 women have been raped and children have been forced to become soldiers, according to the same sources. Neighborhood expects the gesture to be “small but influential”. In addition, he pointed out that challenges such as resource scarcity, the exploitation of nature, armed conflicts or the growth of racism must be “addressed” in today’s society.
The collection of mobiles has been organized by 2nd ESO students from IES Uribe Kosta. The initiative will run until 31 May in Plentzia and the equipment will be deposited in the Batela bar, the City Hall and the Gerezi Gozoki Shop.
This news was posted by Hiruka and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-BY-sa license.
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